Search results

  1. K

    how did you go?

    I got 91, so I was pretty happy with that... wish i knew the areas i fucked up though
  2. K

    interesting fact about busos this year in the HSC

    6/20 would be an average mark for my class :P
  3. K

    How did everyone go???

    91... exactly the same as what i got for my trial
  4. K

    2003 UAIs

    95.05 Never would have guessed... especially after thinking i went absolutely shit in the hsc... i was fearing getting below 80 and missing the cut of to commerce at UOW
  5. K

    What didn't count?

    Extension maths didnt count for me... i gave up on it but only kept it because my maths teacher told me to... high band 5 for 2unit maths with study, 35/50 extension no study =\
  6. K

    ..Now that we have our marks..

    Coming from the local area, Wollongong is the only uni i am applying for... Law/comm first, then comm (dean scholars), then just comm... UAI: 95.05 + 3 bonus points = 98
  7. K

    Drop-out Rates, Law

    Ill ask a guy at work tonight who is doing arts/law...
  8. K

    Law @ UOW

    From what I have seen it doesnt seem as though many courses at UOW have had large increases in one year... doubt it will happen this year. Ive got UOW comm/law as first preference
  9. K

    inflation essay

    I did a paragraph on each cause of inflation (demand pull, cost push, infl' expectations, and imported infl'n). Then talked throroughly about monetary policy, and went on to say how it is argued that the recent interest rise was to keep the aussie dollar high (a depreciating aud causes imported...
  10. K

    The B.O.S. is stupid....

    My GF had it far worse... with almost an exam a day, finishing with extension maths in the morning, and then french in the afternoon
  11. K

    fiscal policy

    To achieve a balanced budget over the economic cycle
  12. K

    Cssa 2003

    Hey, i just got the papers from the bos main page, and the 2003 "CSSA" solutions are in fact the independent solutions... can someone either fix this asap, or even just post the multiple choice answers... thanks
  13. K

    the scaling or business

    Yes, economics is a high scaling subject, and considering it isnt all that difficult... Its only slightly below chemistry, but ahead of physics WOOOOOOT
  14. K

    Organisational methods?

    i think i said geocentric and ethnocentric staffing structures... maybe that was later on i dont know
  15. K

    Do any of you do Economics?

    I will start over the next few days...
  16. K

    How much did you write?

    17 page for 26 16 page for 27
  17. K

    Good Luck everyone

    yes i have economics on the 12th aswell... havent started studying either... dont really care... 9 day break to study...
  18. K

    band 6 raw mark

    i dont think much scaling is done to business, so yer... u prolly need around 90% raw to get band 6 :) exactly my trial mark... hopes for same in hsc :D
  19. K

    Management and Finance

    I will be referring to one thorough case study throughout the entire essay.
  20. K

    overall ranks
