Search results

  1. MaryJane

    400/500 Law Electives

    No way!! That sucks :( Mac is dropping all the good electives and losing all the good lecturers. Maybe you should consider doing electives at other unis? Wider variety and the marks don't count to your GPA (which equals a nice, cruisy last year). (and yes, it is very, very sweet being able to...
  2. MaryJane

    400/500 Law Electives

    hehe oh IWR what ever will we do with you! ;) It's actually not that hard. I did Australia, too, and talked about Lodhi, Thomas and two other random cases (that I didn't actually read). But just so you know, if you use Thomas, there appears to have been a conspiracy because the transcript has...
  3. MaryJane

    External Days.. Compulsory?

    Ooh, this isn't good. At least its not when you've missed one with the law dept. On-Campus days are compulsory because its the only face-to-face teaching time you get, and so you have to attend... unless you have a doctors certificate etc. If you missed it for no good reason, then they do have...
  4. MaryJane

    Sux to be them

    The two law ones where they were found cheating on a take-home, I know which lecturer dobbed at least one of the groups in. The lecturer found them in the library of all places doing the exam together. The convenor walked up behind them and snap! Totally busted! The lecturer told us all about it...
  5. MaryJane

    "Thinkers, take up the chalk"

    I would consider it if the pay and conditions were better. And only for years 11 and 12 (when the students actually give a crap about their performance). Its sad because I know quite a few people who have done education and I wouldn't be satisfied if any of them taught my kids. Most of them...
  6. MaryJane

    Whats everyone up to lately?

    I hold the thingo in my hand when I jog. Yesterday I got a burn rate of 106%! How is that even possible? I'm confused... but maybe its some body gym thing I don't understand. Yep, you have to unlock free step. I agree that the step classes are pretty rubbish, but free step is awesome because...
  7. MaryJane

    Whats everyone up to lately?

    Guitar Hero 3! *drools* That is my next Wii acquisition :D My brothers have it on Playstation and that is seriously the best console game ever. It makes me feel talented.
  8. MaryJane

    Whats everyone up to lately?

    haha I agree that hula-ing to the right feels totally wrong! Super hula is great, but it makes me so tired and un-co afterwards. I think my max is around 350 for single, and 900ish for super (I'm not sure why I'm better at super.. you'd think it would be even?) I did the island lap last night...
  9. MaryJane

    Whats everyone up to lately?

    Tennis is awesome (I think Anne is talking about wii sport?) And I just unlocked the island lap the other day - and got a stitch! But I powered through and it was very exciting crossing the finish line. But my favourite has to be hula hoop. Its awesome... closely followed by the zen one. Steve...
  10. MaryJane

    Whats everyone up to lately?

    I love all those areas! Petersham, Newtown, Summer Hill etc. Its cheaper than Leichhardt and Rozelle. It would be great being <20 minutes to the city. I have a friend who worked at Mac Bank and also quit because of the crazy hours and stress; they didn't get that he had a life and study outside...
  11. MaryJane

    Whats everyone up to lately?

    haha no!! :p Applying for grad jobs, struggling through my second last essay EVER (well, for undergrad anyway)... trying not to procrastinate too much, but its pretty hard because we just bought a Wii and Wii Fit. Apart from that, not much. Celebrating my last semester, really. Just taking it...
  12. MaryJane

    a few questions...

    :uhhuh: Couldn't agree more! And well said. I'm in my final year and I remember when it was 'cool' to complain about law, calling it a 'horrible bitch' et al. I never bought into that; its what you make of it. I can think of much more difficult, tedious degrees... Even Deal or No Deal man...
  13. MaryJane

    a few questions...

    Yes, I do think you can improve and build your skills in these areas. You do have to... enjoy or at least deal with a lot of reading and pulling it all apart and putting it back together. Presentation I don't think is a major issue and is definitely a skill that you develop at uni, regardless of...
  14. MaryJane

    Summer clerkships

    Its either totally random, or there is some hidden mathematical equation to finding the best clerks... and only they possess it!
  15. MaryJane

    Summer clerkships

    Gosh, I'm so glad I spared myself the stress of all this. I could never do it. I agree that what they're looking for must be very specific: I had a friend who had over 4 years of paralegal experience at one of the highest mid-tier firm in Sydney and a D average, and stacks and stacks of...
  16. MaryJane

    Conception Day 08

    And the alcohol better be free... And they should give out free water... So, in summary, it is $50 down the drain ;)
  17. MaryJane

    Conception Day 08

    It hasn't been cancelled: But I can't believe they are charging $50 for a guest ticket. And only one per student. And none on the day. Totally not worth the money... If only everyone would boycott it, it might actually improve.
  18. MaryJane


    I wouldn't trust them. But I'm a control freak like that :p Maybe if you went through them yourself extensively, and highlighted important bits, clarified others, explained things to yourself in ways you understand etc, then it might be okay. So, in effect, using the notes as a skeleton...
  19. MaryJane

    Sustainability @ MQ

    Look, this might be a little extreme, a little left-field, but hear me out: Maybe buildings and grounds staff, and academic staff, should remember to do it themselves? They should refer to that little piece of paper on the front door of every classroom, and to be sure to turn off all electrical...
  20. MaryJane

    tutes in week 1

    iLecture? Evil? Never! Jamie, wash your mouth out with soap!! :p