Search results

  1. MaryJane

    400/500 Law Electives

    IWR, Penelope said in my tute that she doesn't care which one you rock up to, you dont even have to let her know. Just enrol in any random tute... so you can actually receive your final grades at the end of semester. That idiot Darren was explaining how he refused to enrol in any tute because...
  2. MaryJane

    400/500 Law Electives

    Who is running property this year? I'm assuming not Nicole... thats pretty crazy, but at least its a take home, and no essay/other crap during semester. Let me know what you think of the first assessment for international. It seems okay, but a bit overwhelming at the moment, but I'm hoping...
  3. MaryJane

    400/500 Law Electives

    Okay, so I want to know who is doing what so I can harass them for notes when it comes to the crunch (and the taste you can't resist!). I'm doing: International law European Union law International Organisations law Advanced Torts. That means IWR that I've withdrawn from IT after one (albeit...
  4. MaryJane

    Attn: People interested in going to Germany or interested in German! (Plug)

    I would totally do this... if I wasn't already doing 16cp. Sorry Rob :( Are you thinking of doing more exchange? So jealous!
  5. MaryJane

    Campus Jobs

    Hi all, Just procrastinating at work, stumbled upon the U@MQ site, and there are a list of jobs available. I know how eager people are to get such jobs.... so here you go! :) Bar Attendant @ U@MQ Date Added: 5th February 2008 5:25pm An exciting opportunity currently exists for an...
  6. MaryJane

    LAW427 - Trial Advocacy running in 08?

    Yeah, it looks fantastic doesnt it? If they do run it next year, contact the law admin people because I think you need to put your name on a list for it or something, because it is so popular. Then I'll read your notes because I'll be a law graduate geek! ;)
  7. MaryJane

    Estudent enrolling

    Contact estudent support. The system worked fine for me and those I've spoken to.
  8. MaryJane

    Law electives

    I'm doing S1: International EU Law Advanced Torts IT S2: foundations of commercial law Litigation Then finissssshed!!!! :D ADR is absolutely fantastic, as is health law. Remedies is a bore but you have to struggle through it. Tabris, have you done remedies already? If not, I recommend that...
  9. MaryJane

    LAW427 - Trial Advocacy running in 08?

    No, the bloody bastards have withdrawn it! The law dept have stressed me out this year with units. They all said they were running until just the other day which I think is hella dodgy. I wanted to do international dispute settlement, too :( Health law in S1 is fantastic, I cant recommend it...
  10. MaryJane

    B Arts/ B Law graduate twice or at the end?

    No, no price changes or anything, because you are still doing an undergrad law degree.
  11. MaryJane

    B Arts/ B Law graduate twice or at the end?

    I only know the answer to this because I've just opted to graduate twice (to meet the requirements of a govt grad position). You can opt to graduate with just your BA, but on the 'expect to complete' form you need to specify that you only want the BA, and will continue your LLB into the next...
  12. MaryJane

    Arts-Psychology / Law Question

    They are currently re-structuring it, so you will have to double check in the 2008 handbook which should be out this month. At the moment you have to do two additional 300-level units (statistics and research methods)... There was originally two extra 200-level units to do, but I believe they...
  13. MaryJane

    Excess of 14 credit points

    Aww bugger; I was planning on doing 16cp first semester, too. AND doing a summer subject. Hmmm........ bugger. Now I need another plan to wipe 6 months off my degree :(
  14. MaryJane

    bizorgs + ip

    Totally forgot about the Ranch, had other dilemmas to deal with. Sounds like it was an awesome night though :) Tonight is my drunk night on the Scholar Ship with my law girls. Belinda, WTF was question 2?!?!?!?! Everyone I have spoken to was confused about that question. Still looking at it, it...
  15. MaryJane

    All aboard the scholar ship!!

    Caitlin is my friend!!!!!! Yes, I have a connection *dances* And our group of 'law girls' (aka law nerds) are going aboard the "love boat" as I like to call it on Friday night to party and get drunk and forget about the awful woes of uni.
  16. MaryJane

    bizorgs + ip

    I'm totally brainnnnnnnndead Ta for the ross notes Tash, muchly appreciated. but they are massive and make me feel business-inadequate. one word: in principle books. Get the 'corporations law in principle' book and all your bus org questions will be answered. Its amazing. Like orgasmic...
  17. MaryJane


    While I'm not an accounting student, I have heard they are very, very strict with the requirements, like the no more than 2 fails, because its an industry thing. So, if you fail the units again, and it is one of the units that you cant fail twice, Mac will kick you out with no hesitation.
  18. MaryJane

    bizorgs + ip

    I opened Sebastian's assignment, and I'm sorry but the first thing I thought was "what a wanker, he has a CONTENTS page!!". He's a nice guy, but I think thats quite over-the-top. IWR, Sorry I would have told you that ethics is crap if I had known you didnt have the book yet. You can do what I...
  19. MaryJane

    Procrastinate with me: What are u going to do after your exams

    Mike, why dont you try and pull a job at the PR Dept? That would be the best! So cruisy! My plan is to do summer school (yes, I am a loser) and sleep a lot, go camping and hiking, drink, eat a lot of spanish and thai food, and be generally lazy.
  20. MaryJane

    Macquarie Meet the Candidates - Thursday 8 November, 5 - 7 p.m.

    When I spoke to Shawn from SOC there wasnt any assurance that the PM would attend; he was invited. Maxine is going to be there though.