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  1. M

    Please Reply ASAP: Course Selection

    Thats kinda like our school , you have to do a minimum of 12 units plus extension...and then in year 12 you have to do minimum of 12 units. So I'm doing 13 units and I'm going have to do 13 units in the HSC because I dont want to drop maths extension. Its stupid and gay and ah fustrating!
  2. M

    How Much Work Is 4 unit Maths?

    yeh i can drop a subject ... but my worry is wonder if I drop a subject, pick up extension 2 maths, and then can't do the maths? I'm pretty much screwed if that happens!
  3. M

    How Much Work Is 4 unit Maths?

    Yeh id definitely try it but the problem is that I do 13 units, so if I picked up extension 2 maths, I'd have to drop a subject ... therefore I wouldn't be able to drop it if it was to hard
  4. M

    FOCUS on year 11 by edassist on the 10 or the 11 of March

    Re: Anyone going to Edassist Year 11 in Focus? yeh they are a tad expensive but my parents are more then happy to give me money to go learn things lol i hope i'm one of those people who find it useful, thought it would be good as sorta revision and probably help me understand it more as they'd...
  5. M

    FOCUS on year 11 by edassist on the 10 or the 11 of March

    Anyone going to Edassist Year 11 in Focus? Anyone going to that on the 10th and 11th of march? cus I am but I dont know anyone else who is!
  6. M

    How was your school day?

    Yeh thats really sad :( thats kinda like our year ... a girl's brother has died and now a girl in our year has just come down with really bad cancer, kinda sucks! Man today our teacher was explaining inverse functions except didn't describe wat they acutally were so the whole lesson i was...
  7. M

    10 points more 4 Special Provisions

    My sisters brother got 8 UAI points, he achieved 90 and got around 98. He got it because he got really sick with glandula or something during the HSC year...and I guess I think he was really smart. lucky but hey!
  8. M

    Biology Field Study

    we went to crosslands today! it's a really good place to go for the excursion although it was alot of work packed into one lesson. I've decided I'm going to do: Investigating how the soil conditions affects the distribution of river mangroves fun fun!
  9. M

    exercise books vs loose leaf?

    loose leafs all the way!! as Tasho said, easier to add stuff. I've only just started using loose leaf for maths instead of the grid book ... and I really like it. It's great to do homework so you can just add it to your folder and also if you get problems wrong and want to do them later you can...
  10. M

    Study time!

    omgosh, biggest loser!!! WHY did they have to put it EVERY nite??? It's gonna make me fail so much lol edit: i mean, the show The Biggest Loser, not your the biggest loser lol
  11. M

    Study time!

    Every day: about 1-2 hours of maths ... other then that probably just revision of the days lesson or the last couple of days (if i can be screwed) ... just starting to get the projects now so starting to think of spending time on them lol
  12. M

    How was your school day?

    had my FIRST afterschool maths extension class...pretty good although she still gave us the SAME amount of homework as she would any other lesson, and we have maths tomorrow!!! All our year is up to 1D (in cambridge) and we're starting the second chapter...*sigh* anyway, how much does school...
  13. M

    What issues affect Aussie youth - 20 Q

    Please specify what type of school you attend/attended(Tick all that apply): □ Private □ Public □ Selective □ International □ Long Distance/Open High □ Single Sex □ Co-education □ Other (please specify)…………………………………… Rate the issues from most important to least important in your...
  14. M

    DO MY SURVEY PLEASE!!!!!! its for my IRP...

    1. Age: 16 2. Gender: girl 3. Where did you grow up? Australia NSW 4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply] ؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal...
  15. M

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    I got a question... I dont have to choose for another 3 terms but: if I take up 4 unit maths then I'll drop a subject...lets say business studies. will I end up with more or less work? I'm not a brilliant mathematician as I have to work to get the good results I do so id have to work hard...
  16. M

    #1 Choice

    hey yeh Med would be pretty awesome but logically that aint gonna happen...but I can always dream :)
  17. M

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    I got to abbotsleigh girls high (go the snobby school!) and my subjects are Advanced English, Extension Maths, Chemistry, Biology, IPT & Business studies ... or u could just look at my signiture...
  18. M

    Area of Study

    I'm doing poetry!!! Sub Urban Poetry ... :S I'm so bad at poetry, guess I got a lot of revision and practice to do!
  19. M

    How was your school day?

    hahaha Id actually LOVE to be able to do 4 unit maths because I love maths ... but yeh I dont think Im smart enough either :( Maybe we could just try really really hard and maybe get through? lol does anyone know how you do 4 unit because I heard the school has to invite you or something?
  20. M

    How was your school day?

    TOTALLY know what your on about! Been put into the top class ... still not convinced I belong there :confused: :confused: Nearly everday I have maths ... everyday I have a science ... mixed with a nice balance of business studies and IPT . Enjoying school subbies ... no more aus history or...