you are only allowed to be scheduled in one class for each activity...
so you can be in 2 lecture1 classes... the system won't let it... you won't be able to schedule the the same lecture at a different time if you're already in one..
is that what your asking?
i've seen the first 13 episodes.. i'm hoping the rest of the season will be out soon...
yeah they know she's a cylon... i dont' know why they can't track her. i dont think they implanted tracking devices in all of their agents.. and it appears that they can't track them...
she's a dormant cylon agent waiting to be activated...
she has doubts thruout the season if she is or not....
and does something in ep13 which leaves you wanting for more..
i'm pretty sure you have to get signatures if your first year.
on the form it will let you add and drop units..
so i guess you will only need one signature from the division...
yeah there seems to be alot of creepy stuff happening..
walt, the kid seems like he has some sort of powers..
and when claire comes back, she doesn't remember anything..
and why does locke seem to know everything...
yeah what he said.. before the hecs census date...
if your looking to also add another subject to replace marketing, you should do that in the first week so that you don't need to get signatures....