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  1. jlh

    How many hours a week do u have uni

    13 hours for finance/econ.......
  2. jlh

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    no no.. 500 level is still undergrad... its just that law is a 5 year degree...
  3. jlh

    Noob Question/Thread

    uh, some of the units list the course notes on the coop shop... if not, then you won't be able to find the price till you get to the shop.......
  4. jlh

    myMQ Portal

    patience... just wait all you first years... hahaha.... they probably got thousands of enrolments to handle and input into the computers.... anyways, for webct, its the first initial of your first name, then first FOUR letters of your surname followed by the 3 digit random number. and you...
  5. jlh

    Noob Question/Thread

    depends on the unit.. most of mine last year were around $30...
  6. jlh

    myMQ Portal

    hahaha... yes yes.. that is my password.. oh no, now i have to go and change it... anyways, yeah i've always had a number in my passwords....for any passwords... just not those stupid characters...
  7. jlh

    Noob Question/Thread

    LOL i'll back you up iab... i don't buy them.. i did buy one last year.. the COMP115 textbook.. only cuz i actually did need it, with me being lost about programming and all.... i just normally photocopy textbooks, just the stuff i need, and rely on my lecture notes.... borrow other people's...
  8. jlh

    myMQ Portal

    all i did was just make the first letter capital and add an exclaimation point at the end!! :p
  9. jlh


    yeah... fee help is better than nothing... and anyways, if you wanted to do another degree later on, you can still qualify for hecs.....
  10. jlh

    Noob Question/Thread

    you can get the textbooks in like week 2.. but then you'd be behind in your readings and such..... i normally wait till week 2 or something cuz i can't be bothered waiting in the lines...
  11. jlh

    For all who gets Youth Allowance

    oh oh oh.. thanks for that info.... the being classed as independant thing.... i've never gotten any youth allowance, i tried once, i spoke to the person at the counter, she didn't even give me a form. all she asked was how much money my parents earned.. then rejected my "application" then...
  12. jlh

    Wanting to buy Arts/Education textbooks

    course notes are unit and uni specific...
  13. jlh

    myMQ Portal

    LOL its not slow.. it seems a bit cluttered with all that crap like calendar and weather... but its better than nothing... i remember usyd had something similar to it.. with the weather crap on it...
  14. jlh


    yeah it is a bit steep in comparison to hecs... but it is just a once off 20% loan fee.. which is better than a normal variable interest loan from a bank.....
  15. jlh


    yeah but chookyn has already laid down most of the facts.... except that HECS-HELP is also indexed according to the cpi... and you also get a discount when you repay more than $500...
  16. jlh


    well yeah for us to respond to the post...
  17. jlh


    *confused* and your question was?
  18. jlh

    Noob Question/Thread then click on textlists....
  19. jlh

    why macquarie???

    from the uni? where?