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  1. jlh


    LOL yes i do mean it!! :p
  2. jlh


    uh i got the accg200 lecture times for sm2... its the draft pdf file though... lecture_1: friday 9 friday 15 friday 16 tutorial_1: monday tuesday thursday friday and no i'm not gonna list the tute times david... msn me and i'll send you the pdf if you want......
  3. jlh


    LOL... yeah i couldn't rep griz before.. kept telling me to spread the rep... so i rep'ed everyone that goes to mq.. saying they're cool!!!
  4. jlh


    uh.. hey asylum.. a friend of mine also transferred... she's gotta go in on thursday or something.. not sure but she enrolled in her units for this semester under her new degree.. and now she is picking her classes.... if you've enrolled in what you are planning on doing, why not pick...
  5. jlh


    no.. fraid not OJ... :S
  6. jlh

    Commerce law with a major in accounting

    oh yeah theres a good option.. as MJ said.. put it over the whole year.. they should let you do that since you will be in less than 15cp....
  7. jlh


    LOL.. it seems that we're able to make our timetables earlier than planned.. but the down side is that we don't have the classes we want to enrol in... :S but lucky for me, i'm in the classes i want...
  8. jlh

    argh enrolment

    oh and i think theres another post on this topic...
  9. jlh

    argh enrolment

    for your enrolment day you will need: a pen, your tax file number, photo id, your planned first and second semester units of study as well as your timetable. oh and its best that you pay your student activity fees on this day as well, or you could pay by phone or net... up to you... its just...
  10. jlh

    Commerce law with a major in accounting

    you need academic approval unless you are acst!! i don't htink they will give you permission because you are first year... its not really advisable to overload in first semester for you.. why not move acst101 or stat170 to semester 2?
  11. jlh


    hey guys just wanted to give you the heads up.. you can make your timetables now on estudent.... thats for 2nd/3rd/4th year students.. not sure about 1st year.... GREG
  12. jlh

    westbus concession cards

    i think you gotta go in yourself.. show them your student id and i think yoru timetable... i gotta go in as well just for that stupid card!! :(
  13. jlh

    Does Anyone Know....

    oh and the units you do have to be similar... i had an ISYS unit at usyd and there wasnt an equivalent unit at mq, instead the usyd unit was half of one COMP unit and half of an ISYS unit. i was just given general credit in that case.... :S
  14. jlh

    Your valued opinions ~ because you care

    the MBA degrees are really highly regarded. they have their own GRAD SCHOOL within some uni's.. macquarie has Macquarie Graduate School of Management... .. usyd and unsw have their joint Australian Graduate School of Management... i don't think you can get a HECS place so you gotta pay...
  15. jlh

    transfer question

    how'd you find out the NRSL cut off for uts business?
  16. jlh

    Your valued opinions ~ because you care

    MBA is still considered post grad. but you don't normally do them at a uni.. you do them at a grad school.. like MGSM or AGSM...
  17. jlh

    How many places in each course?

    here it is:
  18. jlh

    How many places in each course?

    fine i'll search for you
  19. jlh

    How many places in each course?

    there was a thread on this recently... *search is your friend*
  20. jlh

    check list

    nah you don't get new ones.. it would be too costly and time consuming for the uni to take photos and print new cards... i think all uni's use the same card for 3-4 years.. its only usyd where you get a new card because their cards are made from laminated paper where as the other uni's...