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  1. jlh

    rejecting non award

    you'd have to let the uni know that you don't want to do your non- award. since it doesn't go via uac and its a direct matter. and yes you can apply for non- award later on. but i'd suggest to just try to do well in your uws course and if your not happy with it, apply for a transfer...
  2. jlh

    Your valued opinions ~ because you care

    oh and if you didn't already know, you do an MBA, you'd have to gain experience in the industry. you can't just apply straight out of uni...
  3. jlh

    check list

    yeah its $178 per semester.. you can pay the entire 2 semester now or pay per semester. oh and as for you rtimetbale.. don't worry too much about it.... once you've enrolled you can change your timetable online via estudent. oh and don't forget to comb your hair.. hahaha.. you will be...
  4. jlh

    not happy jan!

    yeah stupid timetabling system.... econ232 clashes with accg253!! the evening classes that is...
  5. jlh

    Your valued opinions ~ because you care

    hahahaha.. yeah maybe you should wait and see what uni is like.. you know if you really wanted, you can add BBA to your AppFin/Accg....
  6. jlh

    Your valued opinions ~ because you care

    let me ask you... suppose you don't make the law quota.. what would you prefer doing? applied finance or business admin? if it doesn't bother you and you are only concerned with the accounting degree, why not just stuff the double and do b. comm- accg?? oh and you can always take up post...
  7. jlh

    Late Round Offers

    if you don't want your main round offer, accept your late round offer, enrol and whatever... then you let MQ know that you don't want to take up your BA.
  8. jlh

    Does anyone else think it's stupid..

    uh you know you can go into uni and speak to someone from the department... thats what i did...
  9. jlh

    Late Round Offers

    they are out!! anyone get an offer? i got B. Agricultural Economics @ usyd... not gonna accept it though... EDIT: opps yeah sorry argonaut.. hahha.. its meant to be an exclaimation mark!!
  10. jlh

    Commerce law with a major in accounting

    not doing accg/law... but here is your recommended program: there are 9 subjects, all 3cp each, so that means you have to do a 100 level unit in your second year.
  11. jlh


    thanks for the notice......
  12. jlh

    stat 170

    LOL yeah it doesn't completely stop you from slacking off.. but it does help you keep some kind of weekly study thing happening considering there is no weekly assessment tasks except for the tute work, which isn't assessed...
  13. jlh

    Maths Bridging Course or MATH123

    actually you can get offered a spot without having met the pre- requisite.... you will just have to make up that pre-req in first semester......
  14. jlh

    stat 170

    there are weekly tasks to do.. which is good because i think it stops you from slacking off.....
  15. jlh

    who is doing what??

    ok changed my planned schedule... semester 1: ECON200 ECON232 ACCG253 SOC233 semester 2: ECON200 ECON303 ECON360 SOC235 if i can go on exhcnage in semester 2, i will be doing an equivalent unit of BBA102).. :) :)
  16. jlh


    accounting: stat170 econ110 econ111 accg100 accg101 acst101 isys123 *from memory*
  17. jlh

    Ba Dip Ed

    the coop bookshop normally has unit lists.. i'm not sure if this semesters are up yet... check: oh and you have to know what the prefix for the unit you are doing.. eg. ECON200 for Microeconomic Analysis if you don't know the unit prefix, go to...
  18. jlh

    yet another question

    oh yeah.. take note of that flyin' said... i was listing the SNG mark. .... i forget what that stands for... but its basically your rank.. (i think).......
  19. jlh

    MQ Scholarships

    oh since your doing a 4 year degree... year 2 or year 3 is fine. what you have to do is not do any of your accounting units on exchange. so maybe you can do applied finance units equivalent or your electives. oh and scroll up for a link of the uni's listed...
  20. jlh

    stat 170

    you haven't sont stat170 hopeful?? hey i got some excel files which will help you do the gnats... all you do is input the questions and it will spit out the asnwers!! :p