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  1. sf_diegoxrock

    Physics VS Economics

    which subject usually gives better scaling?
  2. sf_diegoxrock

    English Ext. VS Maths Ext.

    ooh.. thanks for your help
  3. sf_diegoxrock

    Highest UAI at your school?

    no, actually the highest was 99.7 by nicole daniels and the year before that it was 97.something
  4. sf_diegoxrock

    English Ext. VS Maths Ext.

    so say i got 80% in eng ext 1 and my friend got 80% in maths ext 1.. would she get a higher scaling?
  5. sf_diegoxrock

    Hijack This!

    yeh.. is that a bad thing? =S
  6. sf_diegoxrock

    English Ext. VS Maths Ext.

    which subject usually scales higher ? maths ext 1 or eng ext 1
  7. sf_diegoxrock

    Hijack This!

    This is after i restarted my comp, and i have 512MB RAM Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0 Scan saved at 5:13:57 PM, on 2/02/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe...
  8. sf_diegoxrock

    A message for class of 2005/6

    what the hell are majors..
  9. sf_diegoxrock

    Hijack This!

    hey all, i followed MedNez's 3 step procedure and here's my log: thanks in advance for checking it Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0 Scan saved at 2:54:35 PM, on 1/02/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) Running processes...
  10. sf_diegoxrock

    Sega Master System

    Sonic, Alex the kid, Kung Fu, Boxing, Racing games and plenty more! I'm thinking about selling them all
  11. sf_diegoxrock

    Anything that you would like?

    i have plenty of notes and assignments, PM if you want any
  12. sf_diegoxrock

    To all the Year10's of '05

    nope, treat it like any year.. you'll hear your teachers lecturing u about how important it is, but really, theyre making a bigdeal outta a whole lot of nothing
  13. sf_diegoxrock

    To all the Year10's of '05

    hahaha i keep hearing u go on about this computing skills crap.. its basically like Q: you have been on the computer for an hour, what should you do a) stare at the screen for longer b) keep playing for five more hours c) take a 10minute break gosh.. they really do underestimate our...
  14. sf_diegoxrock

    Student Answers for SC series

    that'd be awesome.. unless u got a band 3 or watever.. that'd just be embarassing
  15. sf_diegoxrock


    im going too!! got my tickets last month! =D is anyone taking a day off school to line up before the gig starts?
  16. sf_diegoxrock

    my subject selections for this year

    wow.. im doing the exact same as you..
  17. sf_diegoxrock

    To all the Year10's of '05

    If you look through the past threads you'll see plenty of people saying that the School Certificate was a joke and :uhhuh: I would have to agree. I did the SC in '04 and studied hard for 3days and applied myself to school for the whole year and when it came to finally to an end, after two...
  18. sf_diegoxrock

    BOS T-SHIRT Design Competition

    where is everyone getting SAM from? or are you guys all just drawing it yourselves?
  19. sf_diegoxrock

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    dating at this age is overrated =\ when you get together it's all rainbows and what not but after 3-4 months, it all wears thin. For me, the breakup is usually a big argument and we never talk again, or we get over it after a few weeks and become friends again but just the "so, hows life been"...
  20. sf_diegoxrock

    One Tree Hill

    of course hayley and nathan go out and get married after afew eps.. and as for lucas.. he'll get with peyton of course.. poor brooke