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  1. sf_diegoxrock

    Cable internet + Pocket PC

    hmm yeah that res. would be annoying for surfing the net i plan on using the PPC just to research stuff for school, so what i'd be mainly look at is just text and i'd also use it for MSN messenger :rolleyes: hey thanks for your help
  2. sf_diegoxrock

    Cable internet + Pocket PC

    oh and it doesn't necessarily have to be wireless, just so that if my brother is using the comp and i need to go on the net too, i am able to using my PPC is there a cable that can hook up the PDA to the computer so that we can share the net? a router would be around 100+ right? yeah, with...
  3. sf_diegoxrock

    Cable internet + Pocket PC

    hmm well i actually won it, so i doubt it has bluetooth, i know it's an HP iPaq and it's probably priced between 500-600 dollars
  4. sf_diegoxrock

    Cable internet + Pocket PC

    hey all, at the moment i have cable on my desktop computer and i'm going to be getting a pocket PC very soon, is it possible to hook up the cable internet to my pocket PC like you would with a laptop/computer through NIC's ? thanks so much
  5. sf_diegoxrock

    What makes a good essay

    don't make your essays too rigid, make it fluid, so that it flows from the intro to the paragraphs to the conclusion i dont think those "formulas" work either, just remember to make it analytical rather than describing events/characters/details, etc, it's an essay, not a creative piece ;)...
  6. sf_diegoxrock

    locus problem

    oh really? im using 'maths in focus' at the moment and they don't factorise it but yeah no worries, thanks for that :) while you're here hehe Here's a slight variation on the second using product of roots: let the roots be k and k+1, then: k(k+1)=2 k^2+k=2 k^2+k-2=0 (k+2)(k-1)=0 ...
  7. sf_diegoxrock

    Question from independent 2003

    so whats the answer? no, no, A = 9 for sure!! i got.. (9x+1)^2 - 15 ( x-2) - 15
  8. sf_diegoxrock

    locus problem

    is the answer.. x^2 + 2x + y^2 + 2y = 0 ??
  9. sf_diegoxrock

    can someone help me with locus

    and x^2 =1/7 y?? i used x^2 = 4ay :) its not complicated at all
  10. sf_diegoxrock

    can someone help me with locus

    is the answer x^2 = 32y ?
  11. sf_diegoxrock

    ISP - Religion and Literature: Could I do The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?

    hey, if all else fails, do C.S.Lewis + Biography, man that'd rock! C.S.Lewis is an absolute legend and his writings/thesis' on the Christian faith are such great reads, really.. but yeah LWAW is a cool thing to study :) i say, go for it
  12. sf_diegoxrock

    space question -"-

    there IS gravity in space, as 'g' is what people FEEL when you get so far out because initially you have 2g on you when you're just about to go into space and as you travel the acceleration begins accelerating so if a=t-mg/m, thus you end up feeling weightless when g declines
  13. sf_diegoxrock

    Hi people, i'm new to the forum and about to start year 11.

    when i first started year11 i heard people say "just relax, it's only yr11, it doesnt even count" i didnt believe them, nor did i believe them when they said "the school certificate is bullshit" but yeah, it is just keep ontop of things in yr11 and remember in a years time it wont even matter...
  14. sf_diegoxrock

    Lecture in Sydney convention centre

    haha yeah true what was the go with the first speaker but? showing us clips of her favourite movies
  15. sf_diegoxrock


    yeah im doing it, its not that hard once you get your head around it.. :rolleyes:
  16. sf_diegoxrock

    Lecture in Sydney convention centre

    ahaha LOL is that what the girl said? the one who was asking about whether she could do a german text or whatever haha :rolleyes: at least she was entertaining lol the adv. lecture was definetly not worth 30dollars, the 2nd speaker was awesome though, the first was sorta irrelevant.. she...
  17. sf_diegoxrock

    Relient K!!! >official thread<

    haha yeah i used to like Relient K, but switchfoot are so much better but the guys from RK are really nice, especially Matt
  18. sf_diegoxrock

    BOS Showcase: 2004 Major Works

    The Simpsons - D'oh! + EE2 hey, i was just looking through the critical responses (2003,2004) and was wondering how well those who did a CR on the Simpsons scored i read through "Save me Jebus!" and it was brilliant! i really loved it, i can really feel the effort that the person put in it...
  19. sf_diegoxrock

    Does it fit?

    dont you think you'll 'burn out' before the hsc if you keep this up? do you guys have tutors? i was thinking about getting one just for the sake of it since it seems like everyone else has tutors
  20. sf_diegoxrock

    Does it fit?

    easily :) paypal + e-mail ;) way of the future lol what do you mean you add it to the syllabus?