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  1. G

    J&J Holiday Skin

    hehehe. emo != tan.
  2. G

    what about that stupid 8marker..FAR OUT~!!!

    Okay, we get it, your great at everything! please go away now. kthnxbai.
  3. G

    How did everyone go?

    i thought that. ^_^
  4. G

    How did everyone go?

    That's absurd. You're right, it does sound impossible, because it is.
  5. G

    How did everyone go?

    some of the marks where crazy--8 marks for the bit about the flu? and that colorblinded was ambigous and confusing beyond beleif. and i didn't know anything about polypepties.
  6. G

    biology students

    Good luck all! Remember take your time, and try your best--that's all you can do. :D
  7. G

    4 Girls Only

    Females gaming? Is nothing sacred? I don't seriously see the need for a big hubbub; there is also a significant amount of people over 60 who game as well. Do they get their own thread?
  8. G

    Quote me what I could get with $3500 for a computer!!!

    *will post back later today with suggestions*
  9. G

    House M.D.

    That's the one; Hugh Laurie.
  10. G


    summer is the worst season. :(
  11. G

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    I assumed from what you said that you didn't regret it. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear--I didn't mean any offense. :(
  12. G

    biology students

    thanks a lot--you too! :)
  13. G

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Alison doesn't regret it.
  14. G

    biology students

    ahhh, sweet sweet drugs.
  15. G


    call me. <3
  16. G

    biology students

    my plan to do some past papers is prevented by my "omgkillmenow" headache that i have. major :(
  17. G

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    getting extra time? you suck.
  18. G

    Police brutality

    Who said deliberately? I think the problem is that you are an annoyingly quasi-fascist dolt haven't been (I'm assuming), or witnessed first hand, in a similar situation, and hence find it easy to promulgate your views.