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  1. G

    Police brutality

    The fact is you can't say that for sure; the definition if innocent bystander, as I see it, is someone whilst being in the same vicinity of a crime, is not committing, or participating, in the crime itself. An example is while walking to your local public library to borrow a copy of Plato's...
  2. G

    Pregnancy / Periods

    Ah, I hear the 'withdrawal' method is an effective method of contraception! You strike me as the type of person that would refuse to vaccinate your child for fear of 'synthetic' substances entering the body. My comment, which you misinterpreted and then launched on a tirade, of which I am...
  3. G

    Police brutality

    If you where an innocent bystander, and where assaulted in such a manner, would you be so quick to defend their actions? I dare say you wouldn't.
  4. G

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    I'm not excited about sydney, per se, but rather what's there. or, perhaps, whom. or maybes it's who. I'm too tired to make sense of this:
  5. G

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    well that narrows down what i'm going to be having for breakfast. words to live by; at least from a Epicurean approach. much respecto. :)
  6. G

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    have all the predictable joke answers been taken?
  7. G

    House M.D.

    "What are those?" "Candy canes" "Candy canes...are you mocking me?" God I love that show.
  8. G

    Addicted to V?

    i find sleeping helps. just make sure to close your exam book, otherwise you get ink on your face.
  9. G

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    Dance, dixie style. Go home. Possible go to a friends 18th. Next day go down to Sid-a-knee. Most exciting. :D
  10. G

    Pregnancy / Periods

    your friend = very big idiot. tell her to do biology.
  11. G

    Comfort food... what eases your studying?

    The Natural Confectionary Co Lollies are my friend. I'm so sad--a page of notes "buys" one lolley. Then I tell myself not to be parsimonious so I have two. Best lollies ever! ^_^
  12. G

    Pregnancy / Periods

    Saying abortion = murder is grossly, and naively, oversimplifying the issue.
  13. G

    iTunes Store Australia Opens. iHappy?

    Great link seremify -- answered all my questions! :D *goes of to bilo to buy a prepaid card*
  14. G

    Pregnancy / Periods

    Ben’s pro-choice. Sometimes it’s the best option.
  15. G

    iTunes Store Australia Opens. iHappy?

    you can buy me a song any day. <3
  16. G

    iTunes Store Australia Opens. iHappy?

    wow. i'll have to get one. wait. no. itunes music store is an addiction i don't need. still, it might be nice for finding those rare songs that i can't get via other sources. *shifty eyes* The DRM thing is no big deal, i'm sure their are many programs that take care of that.
  17. G

    iTunes Store Australia Opens. iHappy? Anyone bought anything yet? Us non-credit card folk need to know what it's like.
  18. G

    Police brutality

    That's also the part I'm worried about. Police in these situations tend to view everyone and anyone as a suspect; they don't differentiate between the people that are acting untowardly, and 'innocent bystanders'.
  19. G

    Police brutality So the question is this--do the police go too far? Are they too aggressive in maintaining the ‘peace’? Or are their actions, which are reported upon here, and witnessed, in similar situations, by many BoS members I'm sure, consistent...
  20. G

    Pregnancy / Periods

    g'night sexy stas. ;) the wink makes it seem secskier, no?