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  1. G

    Okay so.. Hypothetically..

    Heheh. Boobies. :o
  2. G

    formal shoes

    You're imitations of MY shoe.
  3. G

    House M.D.

    Ah, then we got them in the same way. Only my way was more direct. As you where. :)
  4. G

    House M.D.

    Well, how was yours acquired?
  5. G

    House M.D.

    I've got season one as well. But I doubt we accquired it in the same manner.
  6. G

    Anybody worried about english paper 2?

    (o: says: i hate hsc. evil. (o: says: *stomps feet* (o: says: *cries* (o: = me. sigh. More like )o:
  7. G

    Last minute Gwennie thread [post Harwood Qs here]

    Well, you have to account for critics somehow, surely. Afterall the modules title is 'critical study', which unless i'm wrong implies some level of critical opinion.
  8. G

    Last minute Gwennie thread [post Harwood Qs here]

    How many quotes from critics, per poem, should we be aiming for?
  9. G

    Telling the Truth - Related Texts

    Books: 1984 -- George Orwell
  10. G

    formal shoes

    it was nice knowing you dan. does that mean sarah goes to jail?
  11. G

    formal shoes

    smart girl. i won't try selling you this bridge out in Orange then. :o
  12. G

    formal shoes

    Do any of these worry you Sarah?
  13. G

    Fourth try!! Poll: Advice Line

    In the words of Jumb "multchoice polls: everything."
  14. G

    formal shoes

    i wonder if there's surgery to make one taller. like extending they leg bones somehow. hmm. i could make millions!
  15. G

    formal shoes

    why don't you just wear stilts? :p <3 Harwood and her kooky Freudianismness.
  16. G

    Last minute Gwennie thread [post Harwood Qs here]

    How many do we have to, or should we refer to, in our answers?Will the question tell us to?
  17. G

    formal shoes

    :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Four inches? That's crazy.
  18. G

    Iraq referendum possibly rigged

    Iraq referendum possibly rigged. Well, duh.
  19. G

    Predict Text Types For Tommorow

    Is there any point predicting? I mean it's all a matter of chance, and I can't help think one's time would be better spent preparing answer scaffolds (or some such) for whatever text type they do ask. Speaking of which, my notes call me.
  20. G

    AGE OF EMPIRES II: The Conquerors POST-HSC Tourney

    RM? DM? explain please.