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  1. Sweets

    How to overcome a pre-exam lack of clarity.

    I always find the best thing to do when you have a mind block is to go through the exam paper and do the question you feel best at and this gets your mind rolling. Another thing I would avoid is looking at your notes heaps before you go into the exam room. I look at mine generally when im in the...
  2. Sweets

    who will post their PIP?

    Well my trials are over and i'm procrastinating today so I read through some of the PIPs and wow, it was soo much fun, just to see a whole different way of looking at things and all these diverse topics. Irinie- I loved your topic. It was really interesting. I could just tell you were so...
  3. Sweets

    Schoolies Is Sad!

    Umm and going out of your way to make this pathetic thread isn't sad?
  4. Sweets

    The Official BOS 'Hoorah I'm Done!' Thread 2005

    you still have internals?? We finished ours last term. I have no school this week, so i'm just going to use it to edit edit and edit some more and fix up my journal etc.
  5. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Nadal def Agassi 63 46 62 Nadal is most deffinetly the 2nd best player in the world rite now. Great match Kimmie def Daniela 64 61, winning her 5th title of the season. I wish she wasn't playing Toronto, that will be her 4th tournament in a row, Kim doesn't want to exhaust herself before...
  6. Sweets

    CSSA 2005 trial

    Wow, I had hoped the paper would be harder in a way (I do RT). But nevertheless don't want to get too cocky. Just glad it is over.
  7. Sweets

    Finished the trials

    I finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It feel sooo great. Now I have the rest of the week off to do nothing!
  8. Sweets

    student teacher relationships

    I think half the girls in my school are in love with the Spanish Teacher. Although I noticed crushes on teachers tend to happen more at all girl schools.
  9. Sweets

    How many supps do we need???

    I know all my prescribed texts, just incase they single out 2 of them but my preference is to write about Medea and the Revengers tragedy, although if the question is about the changing nature of genre, I'll use High Noon. I have 3 supp texts, just incase one is more suitable for the...
  10. Sweets

    DEaf dog beaten to death for wandering into neighbours yard

    I think with regards to animal cruelty and just plain depravity this tops it Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies Email to a Friend Printer Friendly Version Cory Williamson, 17, is in jail accused of raping his neighbor's dog; and is awaiting trial on charges...
  11. Sweets

    who thinks they have stuffed up???

    I don't want my trials back, speaking of which I should like be studying for ext I just hope I can improve on my abysmal Modern average (87)
  12. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    I adore Rafael and I think his game is underated in terms of aesthetics. His forehand is wow. I'd rather watch him then Roddick slam down serves all day, thank god he seems to be on his way out of the top 10, talk about one slam wonder :rolleyes: I used to loathe Maria too but she is totally...
  13. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Poor Masha. Lindsay is just destined to keep the no.1 rank Injury setback for Sharapova August 13, 2005 - 3:10PM Page Tools Email to a friend Printer format Maria Sharapova's ascent to world No.1 is on hold, but only temporarily. The 2004 Wimbledon champion, vying to become the...
  14. Sweets

    the OC

    Spoilers for Season 3, sorry if they have been posted already. Doesn't sound to exciting to me, perhaps they are running out of ideas.
  15. Sweets

    Anyone not finished yet?

    I've basically finished, having said that i'm not totally happy with my work. I'm beginning to feel like I havn't paid my work enough atention and stressed enough over it. It all seems too simple. I just wrote it and edited it and took into account teachers comments....waaay to simple. I feel...
  16. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Ok well Ferrero lost, I knew three wins in a row was too much to ask :D Sharapova def Anna 46 64 75- she is obviously injured thouhgh, she has this straping around her chest. I think the only reason she is playing is because she wants no.1 so much. Kimmie def Safina 60 75
  17. Sweets

    Finished the trials

    One more to go, Extension on Monday. Then I am study for the HSC.
  18. Sweets

    Harry works his spell on inmates I don't know why but I just found that hilarious
  19. Sweets

    Modern trial....what should I be studying?

    For world war one, you dont need lots of detail but you need to have a really good understanding of events and changing attitudes moods etc, total war, attrition etc. Continuity and Change. National Study- learn quotes from historians. Its really useful because then all the events are in ur...
  20. Sweets

    2005 trials

    I had my Modern trial. I think it went ok but its Modern and our teachers are evil so you never know. I remembered most of my Historiography, well once or twice i forgot a historians name but I substituted it with another. hahhahaha. One more exam to go.