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  1. A

    What do u think u got?

    I'll be lucky to pass. DAMN that was the worst test ever. And I sure as hell never learnt to integrate logs. I just left it the same and integrated it with the hope that I might get a sympathy mark
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    I FAILED my Maths HSC exam BIG TIME.

    well i've done it and I definitely failed so there you go
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    Easy Question 10 or Easiest?

    i couldn't answer any of it /win
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    Series Question?

    haha thanks kane. I asked yahoo answers too and they gave me the answer hahaha yay yahoo answers And thanks Danz90 :) but it's not only question 10. It's like questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. yeah screwed
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    Series Question?

    ok I know this is a little (ok way) late but I need help with this question on series. I'm doing Question 10 of 2001 and I get all the way to the end and get this line. Bn = 1000(1.06)^n - 1200(1.06^n - 1) Right and then the next line is Therefore Bn = 1200 - 200(1.06)^n What? where's the...
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    Modern History is nearing.

    For WWI I really hope it's women as well. Or the role of the Big Three. I'd kill myself if they asked a specific question on like... Verdun or Passchendaele like they did a couple of years ago. I'm really hoping there's a question on the end of the Cold War. I love all the Reagan/Gorbachev...
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    2unit/3unit/4unit maths exam will be hard this year ??

    Re: 回复: 2unit/3unit/4unit maths exam will be hard this year ?? seriously? I found 2007 pretty good. Tried doing 2006 and nearly killed myself. There was tons of graphs and lines and all that crap I don't understand.
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    Modern History is nearing.

    Germany 1918-1939 Albert Speer Cold War Freaking love modern. I'm relying on it to make up for how maths is going to go on monday. In saying that if we don't get fall of weimar I'll be raped for Germany
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    whos ready for maths??

    I am so completely screwed it's not even funny. I've failed the last... 3 maths exams. win Yeah I'm gonna be raped
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    The World of Pick-Up Line

    why don't you come sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up
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    uai estimation

    hahaha nice work I'm really tired today. Don't know why. Got a good 9 hours sleep. I did some of maintaining a balance because I'm over past papers. But i was at pats and he was playing "every half hour of study alex gets a malteser" and I went batshit insane. /end
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    uai estimation

    oh yeah. I thought you still did business for some stupid reason. and then thought you didn't do bio? Alex has obviously had a long day procrastinating biology. Whatever mines worse. The biggest gap I have is between English and bio. And I get 0 days to study for modern which i'm counting on...
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    uai estimation

    Good work. Answering everything is cool. I won't be in maths. Or probably bio. Is your last exam chem? Damn you're already 2/3 of the way through spammage. we're awesomeawesomeawesome :spam:
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    uai estimation

    having a name like alex rules how was indo?
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    uai estimation

    haha you're just jealous whatever i'm jealous of your maths mark Uhh mum bought it for me like AGES ago after one of her friends bought it. I've used it all of... I dunno... once. I didn't know you could search wooloowarians *stalks*
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    uai estimation

    omg kane! how the heckers you find me creep
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    Modern History Textbooks

    Re: wat textbook is good for modern history? I'd definitely recommend the HTA study guide. It was my absolute saviour in modern this year. I got it from some weird textbook place in miranda, didn't order it from the website.
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    What will be asked this year?

    well I was in the car with my mum the other day and she was listening to some crappy talkback AM radio show. Anyway this lady rang up and said she wrote the Biology HSC paper for this year. And the lame radio guy was like "any advice for any biology students out there" and she just said that...
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    uai estimation

    Woolooware High. We've always been round 250 cept last year when we were like 300. Last year they were all drop kicks though. And 79 is my raw assessment mark. I guess my alligned mark would be higher. Like in the trials I got 84. Thankyou :) I really just want to get 83
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    Did you use 1 or 2 related texts for Mdoule C?

    two. One in lots of detail, the other not so much