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  1. A

    uai estimation

    sorry I know this is asked all the time. English adv. - mark 79 - rank 11/110 Modern History - 94 - 3/48 Ancient History - 90 - 4/49 Mathematics - 65 - 32/64 Biology - 73 - 14/59 My schools around the 250 mark. But in saying that we always go really really well in humanities/english, average...
  2. A

    how many pages per section?

    10 11 12 But my writing was massive, so in reality I didn't write all that much.
  3. A

    Lear - Dramatic Techniques

    crap. How much do you think I'll be marked down for doing like 60 Shakespeare 40 Eyre? I incorporated the Eyre part though, said some bs about memorable ideas being portrayed through the continued adaptation throughout the ages.