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  1. perfectionist

    Extra Extra...

    I think any standard student can get more marks than any advanced student, as long as they work hard. For me, i did standard, and so did my twin sis, and we got more marks than the advanced sis was like second and i was third. Even in the trials, we got more marks than...
  2. perfectionist

    acct writing task ???

    :confused: ah wells, u going to uni and school at the same time :D..LOL!!
  3. perfectionist

    Business Studies Competition

    i did it last year...around 40 or 50 Multichoice, i wish i read thru the financial mgmt topic...knowing the definitions helps a lot.
  4. perfectionist

    1/2 Yearlies - Creative Writing (journey) - Ideas

    Try asking in the AOS Forum, there are more people around there.
  5. perfectionist

    How should I revise maths 5 days before the exams

    The best way to study is keep revising and practising as u go!!
  6. perfectionist

    Text Types??

    Get this book: "Success in HSC Standard English" it'll answer your question :)
  7. perfectionist

    dialogue Text??

    I am not sure if i still have them :| however i can check em for u...and i'd get back to u if i have em :)
  8. perfectionist

    BOS meetup @ O-week thread!

    When i last visited this thread there were around 300 posts and now :eek: over 1000!!
  9. perfectionist


  10. perfectionist

    response structure

    You just need to show how techniques are used to convey the AOS Journey.
  11. perfectionist

    Trig identity question

    no worries :)
  12. perfectionist

    half yearlys

    It would be better to do papers with solutions, otherwise, in my opinion, if u do not have the solutions, it is not worth it.
  13. perfectionist

    Trig identity question

    Sin @/ (1-cos @) = 1 + (cos @/ sin @ ) LHS = sin @/(1-cos@ ) X (1+ cos @)/(1+cos@) = (sin @ + sin @ cos @) / (1- cos@) = sin @/(1-cos@) + (sin @ cos @) / (1- cos @) = sin @/sin@ + (sin @ cos @) / sin@ = 1/ sin @ + cos @ / sin @ = ( 1 + cos @)...
  14. perfectionist

    Trig identity question

    Do u mean that the answer is: (1+cos @) / sin @
  15. perfectionist

    Help with Weekly Planner

    Good luck with your studies :) What school do u go to?
  16. perfectionist

    Ind v Pak series!

    YAY! pakistan won :) Go the Pakis :D WoooooOOOOooooOO HOOooOOOOO!! Just one more to win the series !:)
  17. perfectionist


    LOL...wrong place, ask in the Help section!!!
  18. perfectionist

    First days / week's on Monday :) Btw, what do we do in that workshop??
  19. perfectionist

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    Yeah at my school they were there to help ...but most of the time i had to work out what was expected off me....i had really NO help for English, Physics and i had to do everything at my own yeah Uni will not be much different i guess...we are responsible for our work in uni...