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  1. perfectionist

    First days / week

    How come u had tutes in week one??? :confused: All of mine are starting next week.
  2. perfectionist

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    I think uni is better for me than school....since i didn't have much help from school...and i think whatever help i'd get from uni will be more than school :)
  3. perfectionist

    English Will Be The DEATH Of Me One Day

    Preparing for AOS: I have posted this before....but mite be useful to u :)
  4. perfectionist

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    True that...people during HSC are very much interested in distracting others :rolleyes:
  5. perfectionist

    dialogue Text??

    Last year i took the film: Pretty Woman and a poem: Weapons Training by Bruce Daw
  6. perfectionist

    english writings

    yeah i had that one too...looked into it a few times, but didn't really use it.
  7. perfectionist

    Marketing assignment

    place could include having a website...which is approachable from any where :confused: Packaging might include: when u buy for example a family travel package or something, u get it in a nice bag or something... when we did our marketing report...we had to suggest things which could be...
  8. perfectionist

    english writings

    Get this book: "Success in Standard English" , It will answer your Question :) !!
  9. perfectionist


    I put money in my account today :)...u have to go to Computer Access centre in Fisher Library.
  10. perfectionist

    First days / week

    LOL, i didn't get what was up with people wearing gowns and carrying bricks around :confused:
  11. perfectionist

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    LOL, i often tend to copy stuff down, even though it's on the web as well, but the thing is i learn better by writing stuff down then Only listening...anyways, i think i'd learn how it all works in uni :)
  12. perfectionist


    where do we go to put in the money in the extro account?? cos one of the people on these forums said that the copy centre does not take cash!! :S
  13. perfectionist

    HSC Online

    LOL, dunno when...but i remember they took around 8/9 months to update the science subjects...but i am guessing since the whole AOS thing is new, they'd prolly update it soon.
  14. perfectionist

    First days / week

    I hate air conditioning...since i have allergies...they get worse in such an environment..i went to the stephen roberts theater...and the air conditioning was bad i mean that it was very cool in there...and cos of that i am still feeling sick :(
  15. perfectionist

    my library card doesn't work

    Same here :mad:
  16. perfectionist


    yeah i remember the SRC president saying that the uni has to provide with the text books =\
  17. perfectionist

    Lecture Attendance.

    where do we get it from??
  18. perfectionist

    BOS meetup @ O-week thread!

    I have heard that first lectures are pretty short...i mean they allow u to leave early since they do not teach and just talk about the course this correct??
  19. perfectionist

    BOS meetup @ O-week thread!

    I am going from 11am-12pm :) !! :( i love holidays..!!!