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  1. gracie007

    Life of Pi

    hey ive read this book twice its great i must admit it was better the first time i read it , than the secnd time it raises some really interesting issues i like all the stuff about animal behaviour too
  2. gracie007

    Summer Dresses

    I got a REALLY nice dress from valleygirl ...its just a simple white one, think it cost about 39 bucks. go check it out its real awesome, and u can full dress it up or down, add heaps of accessories. its great!
  3. gracie007

    Summer Dresses

    i am absolutely obsessed with pretty dresses i think my bf is annoyed that i always check auctions on ebay for them but i guess he loves the way they look!
  4. gracie007

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    hey i got into b. science- applied chemistry yay
  5. gracie007

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    607105 Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry - full or part time at University of Technology, Sydney, City campus
  6. gracie007

    2007 UTS Offers

    607105 Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry - full or part time at University of Technology, Sydney, City campus
  7. gracie007

    Laser Hair Removal

    umm im not really sure, my mum pays for it, but i think its roughly $160 for half legs (lower legs) for both of them.
  8. gracie007

    Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

    i vote vanilla coke
  9. gracie007

    Laser Hair Removal

    its gay, i dont think they wanna post em i gues u just have to ring up n ask im sure theyd tell u then
  10. gracie007

    Laser Hair Removal

    Reshie: I get it done at Essentially Bare:
  11. gracie007

    Laser Hair Removal

    Hey I get it done- have been for quite a while. Ive had around 6 treatments on my lower legs so far With the pain thing, its different for everyone and also where they are doing it. Me personally I take pain quite well and have been told by the beautitians that I hack it really well. So they...
  12. gracie007

    favourite poem

    Max Ehrmann Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have...
  13. gracie007

    Minimum pay?

    i heard that pizza hut and maccas often break the rules because they think young ppl have no idea about their rights
  14. gracie007

    Combined forensics & business

    yeah i swear they are wrong about that...maybe they mean graduate business after forensics or something...
  15. gracie007

    Heavenly Hotties: Celeb Edition

    Re: Paris Hilton x13 - North Shore Children's Academy where do u get these?
  16. gracie007

    how EAS accept its students..!!!

    in each uni, for ppl with eas they basically let hardly anyone in. for example, usyd only accepts (i think) a total of 500 eas students. so thats shit all. also, remember that the 'extra points' do NOT change ur uai, ur uai stays the same. you just get special consideration if ur uai + eas is...
  17. gracie007

    how EAS accept its students..!!!

    ive got letters from macq, syd and uts. macq send them out for sure. the max they allow is 4 points. just put ur prefs as normal in the order u want to do them in and just leave the rest to them.
  18. gracie007

    Need to find the shopz

    1. castle towers 2. army depot stores? 3. becoz if they were half decent theyd dye it out of embarrassment
  19. gracie007

    Chem UTS

    Hang on, you want to do medical science and you hate chemistry? Good luck.
  20. gracie007

    prediict mine too please

    well its safe to say ull get ur aim