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  1. gracie007

    shit timetable

    have u spoken to anyone else doing the same degree as u? do u know if everyone else is in the same boat, or did u just get the rough end of the stick with preference times?
  2. gracie007

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    that list is ok, but hes kinda just listing all the bands and artists he hates personally, not really their singing abilities. :S
  3. gracie007

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    WORd hes so full of it...u only need to see him talk normally to see that. plus hes ugly...he thinks hes black...reckons hes the modern day michael not to mention he dated britney spears...come on, he isnt "awesome"
  4. gracie007

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    i forgot justin timberlake what a poof
  5. gracie007

    Scars from acne

    if ur still young and ur skin is producing collagen, they will fade over time. eg. i used to have really really really bad acne on my face, and after rounds of meds when they went away i was left with heaps of deep scars from cystic acne. but after a few years they healed away ...not totally...u...
  6. gracie007

    Romantic Restaurants

    if u have the money, i would suggest bondi iceburgs. its really fancy but the view is sooo nice otherwise anywhere along king st wharf (darling harbour) or cockle bay.
  7. gracie007

    120 in a 100 i fucked?

    NO. if hes on his p1s he is fucked. the max speed u can go is 90 kms. he was going above that, PLUS above the enforced speed limit. he would be not so fucked up if he were on his p2s, as the limit is 100 km anyway. and ps- speedos arent usually off either.
  8. gracie007

    My USB ports are fucked

    thanks heaps to Melbournien's link- it was the exact description of the problem, and i did what it said- search for new hardware in device manager and turned off the comp for 5 mins at the power switch. THNKS all! xx
  9. gracie007

    My USB ports are fucked

    ^dont worry, theres no fucking way im bothering with a new comp unless i completely need to..esp. not a mac, yuck ps. how the hell could it have happnd anyway? what causes this to happen?
  10. gracie007

    My USB ports are fucked

    Desperate for help. Recently, whenever I plug in anything into the USB ports on my hard drive, the computer comes up with an error message saying it is 'unrecognised' and the USB has malfunctioned. WTF How can my computer suddenly go from transferring data to and from my digi camera, 3...
  11. gracie007

    Those anyone know a song about changing worlds?

    that 'waiting on the world to change' song by (i think) john mayer?
  12. gracie007

    Epilating Question

    Hey I used to get ingrowns all the time. Usually, just leave it for a few days and if its still there and hasnt sort itself out, wipe disinfectant on a sharp pair of tweeers or something like that and try to pick/squeeze it out. if u dont wanna do that i would recommend u just leave it. with...
  13. gracie007

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    james blunt. man i hate that guy
  14. gracie007

    Waiting for Late Round? (post your course)

    I got B. Science at Maquarie...not gonna accept though
  15. gracie007

    Principal dates for 2007

    its reaLLY confusing from this to see when the actual term dates are, like with the holidays in, eg. easter break, mid semester, etc.
  16. gracie007

    Mazda 3 - Yey or Ney?

    hey ive got a white mazda 3..been driving it for 2 years now, its awesome, i cant think of any major issues with it, out of all the ppl i know that drive one it tends to be more girls tho, so yea haha
  17. gracie007

    The Age of Chivalry

    I'm a sucker for chivalry. I'm pretty sure most girls love it
  18. gracie007

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    sweet! same as me!! :wave:
  19. gracie007

    CAf Status and Enrollment

    mine says APPROVED now, after about 4 days. it takes a while for them to process it after uve submitted it
  20. gracie007

    What To Do?

    getting used