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  1. L

    nursing - hsc leaver - assumed knowledge

    haha yea dw its gets better once the terms all start relating to each other etc. Oh okies are u going twice this semester??
  2. L

    nursing - hsc leaver - assumed knowledge

    lol u not finding patho interesting? When are you guys going on clinical this yr as first yrs??
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    nursing - hsc leaver - assumed knowledge

    Nah sorry wont be selling because we use these textbooks right through to 3rd yr hence its worth buying them, u might be able to find a student who has left the course or something who is now selling though
  4. L

    midwifery (if thats how you spell it)

    It depends it was also 82 for nursing at UTS but this is for the city campus, but i agree with what has been said, there are alot more specialty areas you can go down with nursing whereas with midwifery if you find you don't like what is being offered you are kind of stuck. After your first...
  5. L

    Should I drop religion? Why/Why not?

    I did Studies of Religion 1 and was able to get a great mark (48/50) without much work as it was simple stuff to remember... If you want to keep that extra unit in case, this is a good unit to have as a backup. Goodluck with your choice!
  6. L

    nursing - hsc leaver - assumed knowledge

    What assignment is this for guys? Sounds like something i wrote in the discipline of nursing last yr lol
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    nursing - hsc leaver - assumed knowledge

    Yea standard eng is fine as long as u can structure an essay u should be fine. Yeps i print all my lec notes and take them to the lec and write all the stuff they mention next to what they are referring too, i find it easier. Goodluck Shanti its ur first day tomorrow!
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    Nursing Timetable 08

    I know what u mean, no more sleep ins:(
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    Nursing Timetable 08

    Yea u can tell when the tuts labs run by looking at the dates under the subjects.... Wow thats amazing 2 days off in first yr! i only ever managed 1 and same with second yr, goodluck guys 1 week till u start :)
  10. L

    Nursing Timetable 08

    Oh wow u only have 1 lab for each nursing class! thats really good! u end up having more time free then us in first yr lol
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    Do we pick subjects in First year Nursing?

    Yea it should be next week so it gives u guys about a week to try change things before uni starts :)
  12. L

    how to get there?

    6 mins from the main building:S its around the corner of the main tower, and yes it is quite new and lovely
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    how to get there?

    This is the building behind the tower building, so if u keep walking past (as if u were walking up towards the shopping centre) you should get to 'jones st' turn right there and on your left is building 10 :) Hope this helps
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    Do we pick subjects in First year Nursing?

    Yayyy :D u are now set lol well for clinical anyways :P
  15. L

    Do we pick subjects in First year Nursing?

    Yea just wait till u get workbooks and they let u know then etc :)
  16. L

    Do we pick subjects in First year Nursing?

    Its called "Pathophysiology- a biological basis for disease in adult and children" i think lol and its by McCance and Heuther
  17. L

    Do we pick subjects in First year Nursing?

    Ummm u prob dont need to get the marieb textbook which they say u should have at home for patho as like an extra text, never really touch that, but do get the other patho text that they will tell u in class (incase it has changed i won't give u the name) as that is the main one, u can get away...
  18. L

    Do we pick subjects in First year Nursing?

    Yay fixed my timetable and now have monday morn with my tut and lab and my arvo lab is now on tues morn instead :D No late arvos which means i can work more woo
  19. L

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    At UTS we have polo tops and pants or skirts depending on what you want to pick. I got pants because i find it more practical when u have to lift, bend and work quickly, i wouldnt be worried about anything lol I agree with u rozy about the moisturising of hands, its def essential!
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    Enrolment Day

    The other one its like up near the shopping centre at broadway if u know where that is... u keep walking past the uni and all the way up to the corner where an oportos is, turn right there then all the way down ull see a bookstore and yea thats it :P there is a stand at the front of the store...