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  1. L

    city 2nd preference

    First semester of first yr is really just getting everyone into what nursing is about, its got the 2 fundamental nursing subs of Adult nursing cardiovascular and respiratory. Shanti, in regards to the injections i had to get all mine done last yr cause none were upto date except for the DTp...
  2. L

    city 2nd preference

    Any doc can do the vaccines just as long as u follow some of them up with the same person (some require triple dose etc), so yea its upto u :) And no probs gracie007, yea its about 16hrs a week contact time for nursing, the extra time comes in handy for studying etc
  3. L

    city 2nd preference

    ok firstly the immunisation card is a NSW health paper thing that you should get at orientation or one of those days. And basically you have to go to the doc and get it all filled out if uve had the injections recently or ur immune e.g. chicken pox. Best to start this early when u get it, cause...
  4. L

    city 2nd preference

    Honestly i wouldnt know, i havent met anyone this yr that has done it that way :S
  5. L

    city 2nd preference

    haha lol yea they do unfortunately :P 5pm was the only late one though
  6. L

    city 2nd preference

    Goodluck guys!!! Yea u can continue with post grad studies at UTS which include different diploma things in speciality areas and then masters etc My first year timetable for semester one for the city campus was as follows: Monday: patho 12-2 (lab) 2-5pm (lec) Tues: OFF Weds: 9-11...
  7. L

    city 2nd preference

    Nope definately don't regret it. The lecturers ive had and what i have learnt this year has been amazing! Ive been on clinical 4 times and its reassured me early into the degree that nursing is what i want to do (even though at times its been scary doing things for the first time). I guess...
  8. L

    city 2nd preference

    Ive travelled to KG for enrolment last yr and yea its a bitch to get to from the city, but meh Have u seen the nursing labs at usyd, cause arent they at the mallet st campus, i never got around to checking them out lol
  9. L

    city 2nd preference

    We've just had to re-enrol in our subs for next yr and all mine are in the city (as a city student). if u go to that site and then click on the course codes for each course it will tell u the availability, as in where the course is held, some...
  10. L

    city 2nd preference

    What do u mean the hospital? As in when ur fully registered or as a student?
  11. L

    city 2nd preference

    Yea dw i understand the feeling i was exactly the same uts or usyd :s Yea semester 2 has ended at like end of nov :P Nice and long holidays which is good :D
  12. L

    city 2nd preference

    Nah its fine, like i mentioned she hasnt begun the 2nd part (nursing) as u have to do ur first yr as the other degree, , she will be this yr. She is doing the exercise sport sci combined with nursing. You should ask at the open day (if ur going) about the difficulty, i think in my opinion...
  13. L

    city 2nd preference

    Im not a 3rd yr yet (however there are some ppl on here who have been or are) but i think some of the subs are out there whilst some are in the city... I had the same situation with choosing between usyd and uts and one factor that influenced it was someone asking a question at usyd open day...
  14. L

    nursing - hsc leaver - assumed knowledge

    Yea it just depends on your ability to pick up the concepts etc. One of the science based nursing courses "pathophysiology" does cover a few science things covered in the HSC but their quite basic so u should be fine :)
  15. L

    city 2nd preference

    Goodluck guys with getting into nursing! Hope to see u guys around the city nursing campus next yr!
  16. L

    UTS - Semester 2 2007 Guestimates + Official Results (19 Dec 2007) thread

    Wooo so excited, improved on last semester by a D :D :D Adult Nursing Renal Reproduct 81 D Distinction Fundamentals Pathophysiology 2 93 H High Distinction Nursing Relationships 93 H High Distinction...
  17. L

    UTS - Semester 2 2007 Guestimates + Official Results (19 Dec 2007) thread

    Yayyyy i passed everything:D I also got one of my marks up :O 81-Distinction YAY:D (i think this is because it was mainly based on a practical nursing scenario and was in an october session or something like that)
  18. L

    Big W group interview

    Do not ever wish urself to be doing recovery!!! trust me 4 years on its a killer!! Unless everyone else does recovery properly too its a shit hole!! And customers are just as annoying too!! Wooo only a week of christmas stuff left :D then the sales start :(:(