Search results

  1. D

    Added Units for Mysr Help

    Have you added them in mySR properly? In the unit selection bit in mySR the subjects should have a status of "enrolled". A lot of people forget to checkout after adding the units. You need to checkout after adding units (similar to online shopping) and the process is not complete until you...
  2. D

    Mid-Year transfer???

    You can transfer mid year to another uni, but uac will only use your atar. After 1yr fulltime study uac will use a combination of your gpa and atar, or just your gpa (depending on the uni and course you want to transfer into). If you get a gpa above 5 you have a great chance of transferring...
  3. D

    Any suggestion on accounting course?

    He was looking at a level 7 postgraduate unit as an elective - of course it's unsuitable for him. I have pointed to the equivalent undergrad unit which is level 1 and and without any prerequisites, I'm sure he'll be fine doing that one.
  4. D

    Mid-Year transfer???

    There's no such thing as internal trsnfer at uws anymore. Back in the day if you had a gpa above 5 you could transfer to ANY course you wanted... you will have to reapply through uac mid year.
  5. D

    Any suggestion on accounting course?

    You're looking at the wrong one. Try: 200048 Financial Institutions and Markets 200101 Accounting Information for Managers Both level 1 introductory courses for their respective majors... also neither have prerequisites
  6. D

    Travel Concession

    Just go to the student centre and ask for a concession sticker. They will give you a green form to fill in and give you the sticker straight away. Tick the bit where it says you don't have a job or whatever. They don't check. Simple as...
  7. D

    are any of you 'overloading' uni?

    All of the business subjects I've done have had 3 hr final exams and weigh at least 40%. All of the core law subs have 3 hr final exams, weighing 40-65%. Too hard to study for if you get a crap exam timetable with 5 subs imo. But if you did another degree like communications or arts it might be...
  8. D

    are any of you 'overloading' uni?

    I'd be more worried about exam and assignment deadlines then contact hours. Five subjects (usually) equals five final exams. This would be a nightmare to study/cram for during exam time, especially if they are all put together i.e. one or two exams each day without many days break in between...
  9. D

    Is it possible to ask the uni if

    I've asked to be put in certain tutorials because of work commitments plenty of times, never had a problem... don't lie and say that you have a clash though, just tell the truth and say that you have to work. If they say no the first time, ask again, or try different unit coordinators/tutors...
  10. D

    is engineering super hard

    That's like my family - all bloody engineers. I'm the complete opposite, maths is so foreign to someone like me who does law. Guys if you want hot chicks do law. It probably has the hottest girls out of all the faculties (imo) and the girl to guy ratio is about 60:40.
  11. D

    Human resources and Industrial relations

    I've finished the HR major and thought it was pretty good. The units are interesting and generally well taught. Also if you have a half a brain it's really easy to get decent marks without that much effort. I never got below a credit grade for any HR/business units, so it's good for your gpa...
  12. D

    is engineering super hard

    I went to my brothers graduation ceremony for engineering. There was one girl out 200+ guys lol heaps of asians as well (this is at uts).
  13. D

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    Does it really matter? At uni everyone's on an even playing field. If those people who had UAIs below the cutoff are getting good marks in uni, then I think they have every right to be there. Just because you got a higher UAI than some it doesn't make you a better law student;)
  14. D

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    I'm guessing you're a first year student? The students you're referring to are generally filtered out by 4th/5th year, if not after their first year. I think it's great that uws gives people with lower UAIs a chance at law. Many of these students end up doing really well. It might be easy to...
  15. D

    Parental expectations...

    Exactly. The course you do at uni should be your choice alone. Practically everyone in my family are engineers. They all love maths. I hate maths and despised my parents after they made me choose maths as a HSC subject. I'm a humanities/arts type person which no one in my family seemed to...
  16. D

    Parental expectations...

    When I was in year 12 my parents were pretty demanding i.e. sending me to tutoring. I rebelled hardcore and got into trouble at school, would go out all night and not tell them where I was, etc lol. They learnt to back off though when I was picking a uni course. I absolutely lost the plot at...
  17. D

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    Yep I got really excited when I saw the Commonwealth ATMs. About time as well.
  18. D

    Highest law WAMs / GPAs

    My business marks are way higher than my law marks lol
  19. D

    UNSW vs UWS Law

    Transfer from uws law to macquarie law must be pretty easy... apart from all the above posters who did it, I personally know 3 people who have transferred as well and they had crappy GPA's (below 5) and uai's in the 70's and 80's. I'm a final year uws law student so I'm over this prestige...
  20. D

    Is there any difference?

    What's the point of having a major within a course that isn't even professionally recognised? I bet lots of people will choose b commerce with the intention of majoring in accounting without having done their research and be screwed over by this. All other unis just have their accounting major...