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  1. D

    Review of grade

    Can you appeal multiple things? Because I think my failure is due to a clerical error, however what if the real reason is I failed the final exam (must pass final exam to pass the unit) or due to my attendence (Im pretty sure im safe here, but who knows) and since no one will tell me why I...
  2. D

    Review of grade

    Ive spoken to the unit coordinator and the course advisor for the business side of my degree. Both have been unhelpful and unabe to tell me why I failed... and now they won't even reply to my emails! lol It's also impossible to get a hold of them on the phone or in person (I've tried numerous...
  3. D

    Review of grade

    So it says I failed a subject this sem - one that I was expecting a credit in at least. Has anyone had experience with lodging a review of grade form? Do I need to know the reason why I failed before submitting the form? I'm guessing I do so I can argue my case against that reason, however the...
  4. D

    Can you just do straight law?

    Yeh I agree. I struggled this semester with torts and contracts, as well as 2 non-law subjects. The workload was shocking...
  5. D

    How much effort required?

    Most business students take 4 subjects per semester, but many take less or even more (I know someone doing 5 subs). The recommended load is 4 subs though. The workload in business isn't very much at all and I find it pretty laid back. I never go to lectures, do barely anything in tutorials...
  6. D

    is uni hard?

    In my experience uni's easier than high school. In H.S its harder to get good marks, but in uni if u can bullshit mad essays (which don't even fit with the marking criteria) u can get awesome marks still because they see u as 'creative', whereas in H.S if u do this u get told off coz ur not...
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    Parra Campus: Microwave

    Yeh, they seriously need to put a fucken ATM back on the campus! How long has it taken them? There hasnt been one there for ages (it use to be in the front of the library)... and the shop doesn't give cash out either. sorry mate can't help u with the microwave issue. Just wanted to bitch...
  8. D

    Is is hard to transfer from UWS?

    It would have made sense to list unsw and usyd design under uts design in your preferences when you applied for this year? Then you wouldn't have wasted another year. At least then you would have had the choice. Try for mid yr admission too (if design fac accepts it) usually theres less...
  9. D

    Is is hard to transfer from UWS?

    It depends on the course you're transferring from/into. It's easy to transfer from uws bus to uts or mac commerce, same goes for arts, science, engineering. Just have an above credit avg (very easy to get). msh, the reason it's really hard for you to transfer into uts design is because it's...
  10. D

    Which is harder, Accounting or Microeconomics?

    Seriously, I found intro accounting harder. A lot harder. One of the reasons being it is just so boring, I never did any work for it. Thus, I literally learnt the whole subject in a few days before the final exam (I failed every other assessment). Somehow I managed to pass that subject...
  11. D

    I missed out on 2 tutorial units...

    Yeh it's not really a big deal that you missed out, more of an inconvenience. Just contact the unit coordinator. If there is only one other tutorial time which fits your timetable and it's full, they will usually let you into that class. I had a couple of the nicest tutors in first semester uni...
  12. D

    managing people at work

    I did this unit last semester too. The content is easy, but the assessment was quite confusing and explained poorly. It was a disorganised unit, as others have said i.e questions in the quizes were actually marked wrong when they were correct (even though, they fixed it up later). Saying that, I...
  13. D


    I have no idea who told you that, but you're wrong. Pass - 4 (just looked at my gpa to make sure), and there are no such thing as concessional passes at uws (abolished last year sometime). I think all unis in syd use the same gpa system except macquarie?
  14. D

    Law degree workload

    I'm doing bus/law and compared to business IMO the workload is about double the amount (including readings, homework, hardness of assignments). For my business subjects you can get away without doing anything all semester and still get good marks. Last semester I didn't even go to one lecture...
  15. D

    RE;business and commerce

    Maybe I can help you out mate. But don't take my word as being the shit, it's best to ask course advisors these sorta questions. I was doing business and commerce in sem 1, before transferring. Basically under this course you can do a double major - it's not called a sub-major (both majors...
  16. D

    A simple question....

    Put UTS civil engineering as your first preference - you actually might get in despite the 'advertised' cutoff. My mate got in UTS engineering last year with a uai more than 10 points below the cutoff, without any special consideration or anything. I don't see why UTS bullshits about their...
  17. D

    how did everyone here go?

    It's because the unit coordinator was so shit. MPW was one of the most disorganised units I've done so far... fai69 - the attendence was actually put up way before the actual exams, for people to contest attendence then. My attendence said that I didn't attend enough tutorials too, but after...
  18. D

    EAS points at western sydney

    True, last year I also missed out on my first preference by 3 points... and was suppose to have some EAS points, but still didn't get through.
  19. D

    What was your parents & family reaction to your UAI?

    I'm asian and got a uai in the high 70's last year. My parents were hoping I would do better, but they didn't lecture me about my marks. They even told me they were expecting worse and were happy that I even made it to uni :/ If they did lecture me I would have told them to get fucked...
  20. D

    Final Results

    Wow, results actually came out early! Got 3 credits and 1 distinction. Pretty happy overall... and my gpa is currently sitting at 5.6 after 1st yr. I doubt that I'll ever reach a gpa of 6 though :/