Search results

  1. T

    HSC Leavers $35k @ ING!

    I may apply...even though I have no real interest ending up working in the financial industry, it would prove to be interesting.
  2. T

    Crime rate to fall if all black babies were aborted

    What a fucking racist. He's trying to eliminate a whole race of people.
  3. T

    Your dream shoes!

    I'd love some shoes my size that aren't runners.
  4. T

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    He never said natural.
  5. T

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    I'm always more attracted to those girls who maintain themselves. I still remember every purfume of the girls I like/liked.
  6. T

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    Turn ons: * Brunette * Nice personality/good sense of humour/smart/caring * Affectionate Turn offs: * Bad manners/poor etiquette * Constantly talks about guys and how hot they are * Tries to act like a slut to get attention
  7. T


    Thanks! I had a look at the site and I got a cologne named 'Reaction' by Kenneth Cole. It's really nice!
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    The reason you're dieing for a job is because you're too picky. Go collect garbage.
  9. T

    Check out these wacky keyboards..

    I want one.
  10. T

    The I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK thread

    Well thank you. I watched it again last night. My bed sheet was wet by the time I went to sleep because I used it to wipe away my tears **cries just thinking about it**.
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    Yahoo ID

    Except AIM...and any others which don't connect with you hotmail account. I use MSN mainly and AIM to speak to some o/s friends...they hate MSN, don't know why.
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    Where do you stand?

    At the beginning of the year I considered myself right. Now I consider my self centre left. I just wish the Democrats had a better standing in politics.
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    The I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK thread

    It was so sad. There was great chemistry between Mcadams and Gosling aswell. This would probably now be my favourite movie.
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    I need to buy a new summer fragrance. Now, I don't know what to choose because I like everything! So, do any ladies out there have any particular summer frangrance they like on guys? I'm looking at around $120 max.
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    I wear it all the time. I don't.
  16. T

    The I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK thread

    I just watched it and I thought it was SO good!!! My favourite scenes - Of course the rain one, the break up scene and I also liked the very last scene when they both died still together and in love. I think I cried all the way through it-such a good movie!
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    Petition For Crime Question

    My teacher and principal have already written letters to the BoS. They where pissed.
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    Accommodation closing dates

    My UNE accomodation brochure says 31st of November.
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    Spare Time

    What is the paintball like, eg. price, fun etc.?
  20. T

    Anyone Studying Napoleon at School?

    I had to drop extension because I couldn't find enough on Napoleon from the school or local library. I got through the first 2 sections, but could find nothing for the rest! Argh!