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  1. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Nah Fred Nile's gang will be there...
  2. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Based on your comments about gays, I'd say versbal abuse started from your first post sunshine.
  3. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Sorry...well it's an email doing the rounds. No link available.
  4. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You still haven't provided an adequate argument as to you gays would not have decent parents...apart from the kid gettin "grossed out" at "Daddy poking Daddy" Most kids at adolecent age don't want to think about their parents having sex regardless of whether they are gay or straight. Oh...
  5. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    It was an's a joke you fucking moron, illustrating how idiotic arguments against gay marriage are. You would I need to provide a link for something which is simply to show how stupid the arguments are?
  6. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Heres something for you all:
  7. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    But they dont have equal rights. They can't form civil unions and be awarded the same rights as a hetrosexual married couple. I don't see how recognising their relationship under the law will hurt ANYONE. I know many gay and lesbain couples who are more devoted to each other, and have been...
  8. White Rabbit

    Whats the best place to do your p's test?

    Padstow is you get all those stupid tiny streets and massive hills near River Road Park in Revesby. I think Bevo is hard, but then I failed mine there. My back wheel slightly crossed double lines on Stoney Creek Road, so automatic fail. I was so paranoid about my speed everything...
  9. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I hear the " long as they leave me alone" type of talk, but it hardly makes them homophobic. I know a fair few who don't take "I'm straight" for an answer and push it, in the same way I know several straight men who won't take "I'm not interested" for an answer. As far as I'm concerned...
  10. White Rabbit

    Post ur results!!

    2 Pass (Ungraded), 2 Credits and 3 Distinctions.
  11. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You're saying homosexuality is a " disorder" that needs to be "prevented". how can that not be an insult? Social disorders fall under mental illness such as personality disorders and impulse control disorders, not your sexuality. Homosexuality isn't more prevelent when it's...
  12. White Rabbit

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Well, with people like you sprouting your views that homosexuality is "wrong" and can be "cured", is in any wonder theres a disproportionate level of depression, self harm and suicide among the gay community? There is nothing abnormal about being gay or bi, but with people such as yourself...
  13. White Rabbit

    More BAshings...

    I want to be an engineering student in that case...
  14. White Rabbit

    woman tattoos "do not resus" on chest

    Fair enough, i read it as pt has no say and the MO decides all. Family/legal guardian consent if pt isn't able to - legally I mean. I've seen pysch involved alot, but more involved with the family + berevment after NFR is decided. But also for the pt, making sure they understand their choice...
  15. White Rabbit

    woman tattoos "do not resus" on chest

    Thats ridiculous, of course the pt or the pts family would need to consent to critical orders - if we can't do something as simple as a BSL without consent, how would we get away with letting someone die. Everywhere I've worked, the MO, the family and social work (occasionally pysch) would all...
  16. White Rabbit

    Those who is doing TAFE and transferred to UNI?

    I'm going to Uni once I finish my cert IV - after doing a bridging course on top of it, I can get into 2nd year Nursing at just about every Uni in NSW (some like UTS don't even require the bridging course, you just go straight in) Not really a transfer, but still pretty similar
  17. White Rabbit

    UAI 99.5 - ENG/ECO/HIST TUTOR - Free spankings.

    the 400 bus from Rockdale will get you to Burwood. If you want to train it, you need to go to Redfern and change trains.
  18. White Rabbit


    Smile Empty Soul - Bottom of a Bottle Been scared and lonely I've asked myself is something wrong with you My girlfriend told me I need some time alone to deal with issues But something makes me carry on It's difficult to understand Why I always wanna fly I do it for the drugs I...
  19. White Rabbit

    Favourite band(s)

    -U2 -Breaking Benjamin -Smile Empty Soul -Story of the Year -Funeral For a Friend -Slipknot -Korn -Trust Company -The Used -Pantera -Papa Roach -Crowded House -Pink Floyd -Queen -AFI -Eminem -Oasis -The Vernoicas -Pearl Jam ...bit of variety
  20. White Rabbit

    Work Experience with a GP or Hospital

    I did work experience in Year 12 at St George Hospital, but through Nursing. I did Ante natal, Post natal, Neuro, Paeds and ICU. I loved it, all I did was go through Nurse Education, my careers advisior gace me the number.