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  1. Spunge12

    Victorian Schoolies?

    Gettin' some solid answers..
  2. Spunge12

    Victorian Schoolies?

    Ignorant NSW kid questoin: This may seem like a pretty fuckin' retarded question, but do the Victorian kids go on schoolies to the Gold Coast? If so, what week do they go? Thanks, Andi
  3. Spunge12

    Schoolies, Week3

    Sometime after week 2. :P We rock up Dec. 3rd.
  4. Spunge12

    how do you tell a guy you like them

    Put out. It worked for Lewinsky.
  5. Spunge12

    P&O Schoolies Cruise

    Enjoy ladies. It's a parody on a real article.
  6. Spunge12

    Art Practice

    Do you want me to answer? Or answer what 'practice' is? Look at the information given and state: WHO WHY WHEN and WORLD EVENTS All of these contribute to their art making practise. Ie. Picasso was a modernist and made Gurnica as an anti-war statement. Think about Conceptual and...
  7. Spunge12

    help me please

    You have Six days... that's plenty of time. Do about 2 hours a day on it and it should be perfect. Take your artists (i'm unfamiliar with them) and explore their genius. Honestly, that is an awful question, especially in art. Use the conceptual framework for good measure.
  8. Spunge12

    Body of Work!!!

    This sounds like art.
  9. Spunge12

    Body of Work!!!

    He eats a live octopus at one point. There's probably a metaphor i'm forgetting. Octopus / Octopeii are very interesting creatures. Would like to see an example of the art.
  10. Spunge12 is it just me...??

    I just rule. It's okay, you can marvel at me.
  11. Spunge12 is it just me...??

    It's true, you suck, but alas i have a word to save your arse. "Evolution". You can say it is your ideas evolving into new themes untill you find a theme you're happy with. Remember though, this is no more than a scapegoat. Only a small piece of advice, hurry up and make a decision.
  12. Spunge12

    How many times do you come during sex?

    Lets fuck, Christian style.
  13. Spunge12

    How many times do you come during sex?

    I never came.
  14. Spunge12

    im screwed

    Yeah, you're screwed. You can always change your texts, especially if you haven't started. At least you have Beatles taste. "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"
  15. Spunge12


    Why don't you just make some notes from school?
  16. Spunge12

    anyone staying in sydeny and partying

    I hear that man.
  17. Spunge12

    circumcised vs uncircumcised

    This is all so un-christian. I'm going to go to a priest and talk about this at length.
  18. Spunge12

    First BF/GF

    Year 8. She had a good rack. Mutual breakup. Beautiful!
  19. Spunge12

    Ever feel like you're the only gay person at school?

    Fags The real thing is about people being gay in high school is that no one cares. If you're really gay, people would of already guessed and if there was another one at your school, you'd know. That is unless your gaydar is fucked. P.s. I'm not gay, but everyone knows when someone...
  20. Spunge12

    how to pull girls....

    u r 1337