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  1. Spunge12

    Week 3??!!

    Fuck the haters, i'd rather be in a more chilled enviroment with out all the ad-lays and gangsta wannabe's. Isn't it just a week to chill out with your friends anyway? jeeesh
  2. Spunge12

    Donnie Darko as a related text?!??!?

    It doesnt matter what you choose man, someone else is going to use it anyway. It doesnt matter what you talk about, as long as you talk about it well. I would rather my marker know the movie i'm talking about rather than using an Asian film to which she has not seen. (asian cinenma is...
  3. Spunge12

    Coleridge Thread

    For those who are doing Coleridge poems, instead of many just little threads, we could start a big one. So simply, state the poem, quote the line (example), the techniques used and the effects of this on the responder (reader). Eg. The Lime Tree Bower- My Prison’ Technique: Alliteration...
  4. Spunge12

    american beauty

    Try Inner Journey. It's really a journey that the protagonist takes to be free.
  5. Spunge12

    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles

    Why don't you just use the 'Yellow Submarine' movie.
  6. Spunge12

    Just when you think you've got them...

    Dying alone isn't that bad, n00b.
  7. Spunge12

    how would it look when you're just "bad at sex"?

    If she starts calling you 'Daddy' and then refers to her actual fathers name, she is a dud root. Not to mention a dud person.
  8. Spunge12

    Relationships & HSC

    Re: do u think a relationship will interfere with you hsc? You know, all women are against your success in life. Kill the bitch.
  9. Spunge12

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    It's not stalking, it's selective walking.
  10. Spunge12

    Body of Work Ideas

    If anyone is really stuck and can't paint well (but will not admit it) check out Basquait. Self identity is not always easy to do though.
  11. Spunge12

    You should not judge somebody from where they live !!!

    Another Telopian complaining...
  12. Spunge12

    Week 3??!!

  13. Spunge12

    Week 3??!!

    doesnt Victoria go that week?
  14. Spunge12

    He has a Girlfriend!! What to do?

    I changed my mind, princessrach is just retarded and needed more of her own kind to help her feel better. TAKE MY E-HELP! Trust people on the interent to give solid advice. That's what i did with my choice to vote.
  15. Spunge12

    Ladies: do you care if your man goes to a strip club?

    My worldy advice is needed here. This is easily solved. Take a step back and remember, if they don't like you going to strip clubs, it's their fault. Put out or shut up, you mouldy bitch.
  16. Spunge12

    He has a Girlfriend!! What to do?

    He's right, rape is a good answer. Rape is always a good answer.
  17. Spunge12

    Surfers Paradise 2006

    Man, i don't hear about any peeps on week 3. Shits me badly.
  18. Spunge12

    Ahh im so confused. Boys. teh!

    I hate to have to tell you, but you're going to die alone.
  19. Spunge12

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    You should write for Rove.
  20. Spunge12

    confused about coleridge

    Well, twerple, theres a big fucking chasm.