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  1. B

    10 Greatest Mathematicians of ALL Time

    Taniyama and Shimura are two people, not 1 Wiles didn't prove their conjecture. Breuil, Conrad, Diamond and Taylor did. Wiles only proved the semistable case which was sufficient to prove Fermat's Last Theorem. I wrote a 1 page summary <a...
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    MANSW Conference 2007

    I put my notes up at
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    Solutions to the 2007 HSC exam

    Here are the 3 unit and 4 unit papers (which went online today):
  4. B

    2007 Putnam

    Questions: Solutions:
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    10 Greatest Mathematicians of ALL Time

    I would add Jean-Pierre Serre and Terry Tao to your lists. It is interesting that you are putting Euler at the top. Often people put Gauss at the top of such lists. Anyway if you are interested in Euler, you may want to read 5 new books on him called EULER AND MODERN SCIENCE N. N. Bogolyubov...
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    imo 2006

    This trailer is also on youtube at
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    imo 2006

    There's a new movie called Hard Problems to be released in 2008. It's about mathematics competitions (with particular focus on the 2006 IMO). The trailer is at The world premiere of the new movie is the highlight of the Joint...
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    Solutions to the 2007 HSC exam

    Terry Lee's 3 unit:
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    Solutions to the 2007 HSC exam

    Good teachers will not allow the amateurs at the Board of Studies to tell them what to teach.
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    Solutions to the 2007 HSC exam

    itute's solutions are up now for ext 2:
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    Solutions to the 2007 HSC exam

    Solutions are up for 2007: Terry Lee's 4 unit: Terry Lee's 3 unit: itute's 4 unit: if you are interested.
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    Past HSC papers older than 1995

    The 4 unit paper was too boring this year and last year. So I won't bother.
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    Past HSC papers older than 1995

    OK. You can put the solutions up then.
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    HSC Tomorrow!!

    Well it's pretty short compared to some q7/8s. Maybe today you can just relax and not study at all!
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    HSC Tomorrow!!

    I see you are to do your HSC in 2007. Don't do any past papers today. Just do one question. It's from the 1962 Putnam:
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    Past HSC papers older than 1995

    Yeah. Lol. Assiduously do each question well enough and you WILL know you are right. You don't need to see somebody else's solution. I only put up solutions if they raise more (and better) questions than they answer.
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    Past HSC papers older than 1995

    Ta. The other two are and and so far, together with the link AMorris provided, this totals 198 papers. Of course this will have to be updated next Monday to 199.
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    MANSW Conference 2007

    Main website: The Board of Studies did a presentation today. Both the CLT and confidence intervals are gone. The Writing Brief will go up onto the BOS website soon. The ones there now are only drafts. Phase 2 of the project is now finished and...
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    e is irrational

    There is also a syllabus mapping attached to the Ind. paper and it says it's testing Harder Ext. 1 Inequalities in this question. So I'm satisfied that it is adequately testing the syllabus. I also think it's good to have a variety of methods. So even though the others in HSC exams are...
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    e is irrational

    Again I say it's a lot easier than the methods in past HSC exams.