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    Weekly Mathematics Extension 2 Notes

    Vafa, when are you going to put more notes up? I think it's a good idea.
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    Cubics and quartics

    Here's an alternative way to do last year's 4 unit question on cubics. I bet you thought the answer was x<sup>3</sup>-20x+24. But that's too boring. Of course, a better question would be that if two distinct points on E: y<sup>2</sup>=x<sup>3</sup>-5x+3 are A(x<sub>1</sub>, y<sub>1</sub>)...
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    Herons Formula

    Here's Wildberger's youtube on it. He uses rational trig. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=""...
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    Cubics and quartics

    Have you tried integrating it?
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    Class of '08 Roll Call

    I made a more thorough textbook list <a href="">here</a>. Have I missed any? You can do past papers for practice:
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    Class of '08 Roll Call

    Patel wrote 2 books. One is an Excel book, the other is a textbook (both of which are into their 2nd editions). Here are the links: You can get Terry Lee's at...
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    Elegant Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem?

    Here's a more recent video by Darmon (2006): (545 Mb)
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    Elegant Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem?

    There's an easy way and a hard way to learn about the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. THE EASY WAY The easy way is just to watch the videos and read popular accounts. For many years, msri have had a video online Google video has recently added the uktv video to the internet which is better...
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    Tao's special lecture

    No. Before that, he will also be giving a plenary lecture at the ANZIAM conference at the Carrington Hotel in Katoomba.
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    Tao's special lecture

    Terry Tao (2006 Field's medallist) will be giving a special lecture on Feb. 7 which I think serious teachers and students of mathematics would be interested in attending. I'm going! Details: Special lecture to be delivered by Fields Medal Winner, Professor Terence Tao "Structure and...
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    Imo 2007

    Congratulations again to Giles Samuel Vernon Gardam for the IMO bronze, but also for coming first in the 2007 HSC for Ext. 2 and winning the T.G. Room medal. <a href="">First Places link for the 2007 HSC</a>
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    e Day!!!!

    Read EULER AND MODERN SCIENCE N. N. Bogolyubov, G. K. Mikhailov, & A. P. Yushkevich, Editors Translated by Robert Burns EULER AT 300: AN APPRECIATION Robert E. Bradley, Lawrence A. D'Antonio, C. Edward Sandifer, Editors HOW EULER DID IT C. Edward Sandifer THE EARLY MATH OF...
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    I also prefer it on my own system. MonkeyTeX is only a few weeks old so it might take a while to catch on.
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    I do use it. MacTeX is OK and the current system contains TeX Live. It also now supports multiple distributions simultaneously (whereas previously this was discouraged). I have TeX Live activated as my default distribution because as you said, tetex has been discontinued. There will be a new TeX...
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    Textures 2.0 used to be good under MacOS 9, but the new beta version 2.2.0b for MacOS X isn't as good: Hopefully they will improve it because Textures used to be really good. It's just been difficult to update. So on the Mac I now use MacTeX instead.
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    The net can be quite brutal. So in preparing a document for the net, the end justifies the means. So if the final product from Word is crap (and nobody will look at it) and the multi-billion dollar Microsoft monopoly goes the way of the dodo, so be it. So don't use it. And if you have to...
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    That's right. I keep telling teachers that but they won't listen. I think people who type maths in Word can be safely ignored. Unfortunately that includes MANSW and the Board of Studies.
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    Another wysiwyg LaTeX editor is <a href="">BaKoMa</a>. But I generally discourage wysiwyg. It's better to use code. It gives you more control. There are also several online latex renderers which you can use to try a bit of code before you go ahead with a full...
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    I prefer markup language. But if you want wysiwyw, try <a href="">texmacs</a>.
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    Mathematics Typesetting

    I use <a href="">PCTeX</a> for PC and <a href="">MacTeX</a> for Mac.