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    NEW NSW & ACT H.S.C. Mathematics course - Mathematics General 1

    I don't necessarily agree with these teacher reps. Are the current courses dated? Many would say not. Do teachers really want the new courses? Again, many would say not.
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    NEW NSW & ACT H.S.C. Mathematics course - Mathematics General 1

    The decision taken at the last Board of Studies meeting on March 31 regarding the implementation of new Stage 6 Maths curriculum is as follows. The Board of Studies agreed: (i) to endorse the Stage 6 Mathematics syllabuses. (ii) to advise the Minister not to approve the Stage 6...
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    Useful Links

    Also, here are the 1999 and 2000 HSC solutions for 3 unit (but I have not included these in the zip file):
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    The 2004 Mathematics HSC Paper - Fatmuscle's Solutions

    Those links don't work anymore. I've reuploaded the 2 unit one as an attachment.
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    Useful Links

    Complete solutions for the 1999-2008 3 unit HSC papers are on the net. I've collected the 2001-2008 ones together in a zip file: (1.8Mb) See next post for the 1999 and 2000 ones (not included in the zip file)...
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    Can you finish an exam in the time allocated?

    You can get 223 papers at (39) (114) (70) I might add more to this later.
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    Can you finish an exam in the time allocated?

    This is only one way of learning. But whatever way one learns, those who learn more will have a better chance of getting 100% within the time allocated. If two get 99%, and one is satisfied with that and stops, yet the other works harder at getting the last 1% out and therefore eventually gets...
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    Can you finish an exam in the time allocated?

    Correct! They can! But alas there are people employed by the Board of Studies to mark these exams (and not just Rodney Miller) who have publicly expressed opinions to the contrary. It is therefore incumbent upon current students of this course to prove them wrong and to do so publicly.
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    Can you finish an exam in the time allocated?

    Well, whatever way you do it, the aim should be to prove Chris Thompson right and Rodney Miller wrong, i.e., to prove that you can do it in the time allocated despite opinions to the contrary.
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    Can you finish an exam in the time allocated?

    Only if you can get 100% on each one and within the time allocated. And you can do that, can't you, MC Squidge?
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    Can you finish an exam in the time allocated?

    Well, say you get 99% the first time in an hour. And say it takes you another 5 hours to get the last 1% done. Then it's that 1% that you will have learned the most from. And of course, the next time you do it, you will complete it in the allocated time with 100%.
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    Elegant Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem?

    <b>Correction to Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.</b> In line 7 on page 495 on older versions of the online pdf file, <img src="" /> should be replaced with <img src="" /> The file <a...
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    Happy Pi Day

    Happy Pi Day March 14 (3.14) Pi Day � The official web site for Pi Day, March 14th
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    Complex Numbers Using Euler's Formula

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    5 th Edition of James Stewart Calculus For Download

    I prefer Thomas' Calculus 11th ed: Thomas' Calculus 11th Ed - TEXTBOOK and SOLUTION MANUAL (download torrent) - TPB
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    Maths Textbook

    Cambridge University Press itself have released 3 chapters online free of charge on their website at The 3 Unit files are
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    Solving cubic with a value other than one

    By dividing the equation by 7 and then using the <a href="">cubic formula</a>, we find that the exact value of x is \sqrt[3]{\frac{-15436}{9261}+\sqrt{\frac{59957}{21609}}}+\sqrt[3]{\frac{-15436}{9261}-\sqrt{\frac{59957}{21609}}}+\frac{5}{21}
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    What Is The Hardest Part Of 2Unit Maths?

    This is incorrect. The Board of Studies never said that it was due for implementation in 2009 and first examined in 2010. The syllabus was due for implementation in 2010 and first examined in 2011. There is however a new delay happening due to complaints from teachers. The delay may be such...
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    Imo 2007

    So who will get the T.G. Room medal? Everyone agrees that Sen Lin should get it because he came equal first in Ext. 1 and 2. But technically, the T.G. Room is only based on Ext. 2, not Ext. 1, so most agree also that Matthew Menzies should get it too despite not coming first in Ext. 1.