Search results

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    Port Stephens 2006!!!

    I was going to Byron first week and then back to chill at a friends apartment in Port stephens for a while. I'm not even considering it part of my schoolies. I got the impression that you need a heap of mates with you to make it any good. Good luck with it anyway. Why port stephens, if you...
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    Byron Bay 06

    Going from the 18th with three mates. Got an apartment in a Shirley street resort. the cost is pretty steep but its going to go off.
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    the Darker Half

    I'm not a metalhead, but I hope they make it. Any Australian deserves support, especially one with such a patriotic mission as making "proud Australian metal".
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    the best UK band EVER

    Led Zeppelin shits on everyone and everything. The Who The Beatles Joy Division The Clash Suede The Darkness
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    Books turned into movies

    I once had a book that turned into a movie. I also had a sock that turned into wine rack. sorry what was the question?
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    Here are some handy tips. Write dialogue in a made up language. Hold the pen between your teeth. Work out your favourite words starting with each letter of the alphabet and use them. Look at some graffiti use it as the first word of your story. Try writing backwards. Write in big fonts...
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    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    Take me, Spanish...
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    The elderly themselves. Volunteer at a nursing home. seriously it will probably help. Or you could walk around for a day really slowly wearing diapers and complaining.
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    U2 Tickets Trade

    I have a number of tickets to the Saturday concert. I would love to trade up to four tickets for the Friday show. Please help. This isn't the only place I've advertised so I can't guarantee the offer forever.
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    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    "Stadium Arcadium" the new Chilis album is out on may 9th. Its a 28 track double album, funkier than by the way or californication. there are also 7 bsides, originally it was going to be a three part album, like kid a and amnesiac, or the new system of a down. The new datsuns album should be...
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    Split Enz Reforms.

    Not that amazing. The finn Brothers tour relatively regularly and a regulars on the festival circuit. They play all the best Split Enz songs but also crowded House (easily the better of the two), Finn Brothers (from Everyone is Here), and Neil Finn solo, (From sinner among others) songs. A split...
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    Your Top 5 For the Week

    1. Sway - The Rolling Stones 2. Milk - Kings Of Leon 3. Crucify Your Mind - Roderiguez 4. Achilles Last Stand 5. Plateau - The Meat Puppets
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    Its not that I thought it didn't make a point, on the contrary I think that too often it tried to give both sides of a conflict, to appear evenhanded, while still maintaining a meditation on how one dimensional that conflict is. rather than condemning both parties, Spielberg could have...
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    best ever concerts

    @Bowman - They will probably tour again this year, to promote "Stadium Arcadium" the new album, out may 9th of the top of my head.
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    I felt that spielberg was trying to hard to provide an objective standpoint, that left me remembering and pining for the irrepressable conviction of Schindlers list. Bana I thought was brilliant, understating a role that a lesser performer would have mangled by over emoting and grandstanding...
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    Best Movie Quotes of 2005

    Every time Jack Black gave the speech about how "we'll finish this film for (whoever) and donate the proceeds to his wife and kids." King Kong "you guys are wild, like wipe your butt with a leaf wild?" "Who wipes" Madagascar. .
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    Wot was the 1st M rated movie you saw & how old were you??

    terminator 2 at 5 or 6 years old while being minded by a relatively lax babysitter. The violence had less effect on me than the fact that John Connor didn't go to school.
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    What songs make you happy

    Last Stop This Town or The Only Thing I care about or Beautiful Blues All by Eels. But the songs that give me the biggest rush are when I hear one of my freinds subconsciously humming one of my Band's songs. It makes you happy fulfilled, and does wonders for my already...
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    best ever concerts

    Red Hot Chili Peppers last time they were here, the Friday. First real moshpit experience I had, in the chili bowl. Crowdsurfed and was dropped two rows from the front during the second song , and during if You had to ask, I remember being in spitting distance of Anthony. Still the best G-rated...
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    What song do you have stuck in your head right now?

    Sway By the Rolling Stones