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    0403 Jasond

    It's just a cheap rip off of Warren from Virgin. Remember Warren the Dj's freind. Like 40 women asked him to marry them via Text.
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    There are no Black Metal fans on this forum.

    There are no black metal fans on this forum. What's the problem?
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    The Name

    Trains may be popular but that is because they form their own microcosm in which status, heirachy and relationships are dictated. The only locale with the same potential is probably the school bus. Empires rise and fall, personalties glimmer and fade and the critical issues of our time are...
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    Tips for your stories :P

    My favourite Bit about this thread is that people actually missed the point and thought it was serious. Also you forgot italics, evrey good stroy has italics. Frightening thought: Before microsoft word introduced the world to the beauty of the italic phrase how could fabulous authors like...
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    The Name

    I'm still not 100 percent sure about mine. I'm being seduced by that evil temptress performance poetry, but my Short story idea is currently called "The Middle" it's a critique of non-linear plot structure. That'll probably change before I finish this post...
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    Lecture in Sydney convention centre

    Which one, the one who couldn't string a sentence together, or the one who couldn't reach the microphone and claimed "at least I'm better than the other girl"
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    all-time favourite song(s)

    People They Ain't No Good - Nick Cave It's from Shrek 2 and its just so melancholy. It's so refreshing to hear angsty whiny music from someone whose voice has actually broken.
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    Lecture in Sydney convention centre

    I thought the second speaker had some really relevant stuff to say. The first guy told us stuff we already knew but he had an awesome accent. The best thing about it was that after hearing the other people's questions, I'm confident I can't come last in the State!
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    need new band

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    Favorite fictional character

    Bananaman Algie from earnest Anyone from the Sopranos but especially Junior ERIC IS BANANAMAN!
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    **The Official LED ZEPPELIN thread**

    For ext History you could examine the allegations of Satanic ritual within popular song. The most famous story is of course the popular myth of the devil at the cross roads. This Faustian adaptation is traditionally associated with both legendary Bluesman Robert Johnson and Led Zeppelin...
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    Favourite album of 2005 so far...

    Wolfmother! Their Debut album just came out and it's unbelievable
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    Anyone here in a band?/tell us about your band!

    guitar/vocals for Hans Blix &The Weapons Inspectors. Three piece, Guitar, Keyboards/organ, drums. We play what we call - Electric, stoner, psychadelic, blues metal. Sort of a mix between Zeppelin, the Doors, Sabbath, Fu Manchu and the White Stripes. We pretty much only play originals and are...