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  1. ahen

    sam for selective schools

    yeah this girl who does ext 2 english at my school is the only one in the course ( cos we all dropped it due to our teacher being a nazi lol) and she's thinking that she'll be both first and last...she doesn't get how it works either
  2. ahen


    hmm not bad , ok thanks. i'm praying for an over 90 though =P and according to a weird forula i worked out, i'll get around 93-94 so yeah
  3. ahen

    how to "get into it"

    hahaha xclusv2bhung you're my motivational buddy =P no seriously you are, a phone call from you and i get all worked up and full go and do 43673499437979725 hrs of study =D i'd probly get a UAI of 60 if it weren't for you
  4. ahen

    sam for selective schools

    but how do you use your rank to estimate modernation etc? i don't get that. because my deputy who is also my advanced english teacher was estimating my UAI and was sticking in all these 90+ aligned marks and i was like "sir! i'm not going to get those!" and he was doing it based on my ranks, he...
  5. ahen


    ok i always thought this was a bit stupid , i mean you can't "predict" your UAI but right now i'm feeling really anxious (getting trial exams back tends to do that) and so i'm going to join the club and ask for a "prediction" , please. if it helps i'll also add how much i've contributed to...
  6. ahen


    i am so sick of people telling me i do low scaling subjects and that i've jeopardised my UAI by doing so. that or they give me the pity line " oh that sucks that you're all into humanities but they don't scale high ay? gosh if only you were good at maths and science" , yes because maths and...
  7. ahen

    Clubs and Social Life in UWS?

    yeah i'm a bit like that too, only i'm tossing up between UWS and USYD, personally i wouldn't go to UTS it seems so urgh. anyway i love the atmosphere at USYD its fantastic and its easier to access and its far away from my house so i have an excuse to do stuff without my bloody parents finding...
  8. ahen

    art history/theory

    wow thanks for that! it was a great amount of help :D yeah i'm pretty sure i'm be going to sydney now ( the BA UAI is very achievable after all), just not sure of whether to do english or art theory as one of my majors. also i figured that since art theory is a major at USYD but an actual...
  9. ahen

    SAM ~ Good News?

    woah im in the same boat as you, i need to get all 94s (aligned) to get the uai of 98.1 that i want. though my raw marks for school assessments and my ranks are 1st-5th in everything as well as my marks being 80-100 in all subjects and i go to a school in the top 200 so i'm hoping that i'll...
  10. ahen

    art history/theory

    thanks for the info
  11. ahen

    BA ( Psychology)

    i don't think you can do a double degree BA/B psych, as far as i know it doesn't exist, um but yeah from my understanding its essentially the same thing, only without the whole maths/science prerequisite thing. also you'd have to go on and do further education for recognition as a psychologist...
  12. ahen

    art history/theory

    just wondering, does USYD have an equivalent of UNSW's "art theory" possilby at a slightly lesser level, but yeah, and if so how would you rate it in terms of usefulness, interest and how well its taught? and can you major in it? sorry i'd look some of this stuff up on the website, but for the...
  13. ahen

    BA/Art Theory

    i feel like a bit of a noob but anyway, i was looking up the courses and it appears that if i wanted to major in psychology in my BA but also do Art theory, i couldn't because both fall under "list C" or something? i'm not quite sure but that's the impression i got. which kind of sucks because...
  14. ahen


    hey just wondering if anyone does tutoring around here? because i'm thinking of doing it at the end of the year (after HSC) and i have a few people interested in being tutored its just that i'm not sure about how much i should charge them and for how long ie. how many $ per hour? especially cos...
  15. ahen

    Gendered Lang: Alternative Ending to Elizabeth?

    your teacher sounds just as stuffed as mine can sometimes be. dude this task's nothing, we had to do a portfolio last term where we analysed = annotated and wrote mini responses on 2 creative and 2 critical related texts. we then also had to do 5-10 journal entries in which we reflect upon our...
  16. ahen

    So whats your pre-trial marks?

    ppfsh our whole class is failing with the exception of about 4 super top smart kids. well ok not "failing" but in yr 11 with our old teacher we were getting 80s/90s and in advanced its the same deal, yet ext, new teacher = 60s/70s. so that sucks. so my average at the moment is in the 60s which...
  17. ahen

    Red Bull and V

    before my english paper 2 exam i took a can of "mother" because my whole week had been EXAMS and i needed to spend the morning cramming my essays. i got 3/4 of the way through the can and i started feeling jittery but i was really awake and focused, i was loving it. then, after about 5mins , i...
  18. ahen

    a competitive industry?

    thanks for the info
  19. ahen

    art theory

    just wondering, is this the only university that offers art theory or does somewhere like USYD offer it too? also is art theory particularly good at UNSW? how would you rate it? anything special? thanks
  20. ahen

    House M.D.

    yeah why post spoilers anyway geez