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  1. L

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    Chem1102 84.0 Distinction Your mark was the eighth highest mark in CHEM1102 - out of a total student number of 349. :D
  2. L

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

  3. L

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    Woo! PHYS1500 Astronomy 88.0 High Distinction Hehe, the only subject I do that's at all like an arts subject and BAM! High Distinction like it was the easiest thing in the world. Didn't even get a Distinction last semester... It's only downhill from here, I guess.
  4. L

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    I'm anti-discrimination. Which is why I think overweight people should be subject to the same rules everybody else is. Isn't discrimination when you treat someone differently becuase of some charactersitic? Wouldn't it therefore be discrimintation to say that a person is entitled to a free seat...
  5. L

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    Damnit. I hope these results get back soon... Wouldn't want them to ruin Christmas.
  6. L

    Greatest ever game created....ever

    Fallout, Planescape: Toment or Deus Ex. Edit: Oh, right. I've been here before.
  7. L

    Maths ext 1 bridging course hard?

    I did the Bridging Course - and it seemed even little of that showed up in intermediate first-year maths. If you think taking 3U will fuck up your UAI, then I would do the bridging course, or see if you have an ex-3u friend who might help you study it in the holidays, or something.
  8. L

    Why is it that most 'hot' girls are dumb or skank?

    Yeah, I know it's silly to pick on you for having "meaningless" discussion, but I'm just tired of hearing the "oh, but they have the right to do it!" argument when I'm trying to consider the actual reasons why people do things, etc. If you've met a sizable number of girls who are nto as...
  9. L

    Why is it that most 'hot' girls are dumb or skank?

    Blah blah blah, people have the right to do this an that. Women are too stupid to realise their dress-style has a sexul effect, blah blah blah. How about we try and have a more meaningful discussion here? I don't do things solely beacuase I have the right to do them. There generally needs to be...
  10. L

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    You know it's possible that they're complimenting you on your looks in a non-sexual way, or that they're even complimenting you on your personality (i.e. they expected someone like you to have been in many intimate relationships where they assume much sex was had). Why does sex necessarily...
  11. L

    How many people have you slept with (with poll)

    In that the smarter you are, the less chance you have of finding love?
  12. L

    Will everyone meet their special someone?

    They're often great minds as well. i.e. Nikola Tesla died this way.
  13. L

    Does simulated media cause acts of indecency?

    Australia has simultaneously some of the strictest pornography laws in the Western world and the third highest rape count per capita. ( ( i.e. Greece "Extreme or graphic...
  14. L

    Going for girls with boyfriends - Vise Versa

    I suppose it's OK if you're a complete fuckwit. Actually, girls seem to love total assholes, so its win-win!
  15. L

    Best game of all time??

    1. Fallout 2. Fallout 2 3. Planescape: Torment 4. Deus Ex 5. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn 6. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura 7. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 8. System Shock 2 9. Anachronox
  16. L

    Fallout 3

    Just finished. That was fucking terrible. And for above, VATS isn't "great", it's Fallout's targetted shots hamsfistedly mashed together with the Real-time-with-Pause system from the 90s Baldur's Gate series and bullet-time from Max Payne. It basically works like a cheat insta-kill system that...
  17. L

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    It's pretty much *scientifically understood by now that our brains were "designed" (if you want to use that word) in such a way that we have no choice BUT to think about sex on a regular basis. The brain also synthesizes an addicting sensation to orgasms, so that we seek them out and the species...
  18. L

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    They say results will become available "from 24th November". How long does it usually take, though? Longer than 1st semester becuase they don't need to bother getting them out the door before the next semester starts?