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  1. L

    Best Lecturers at USyd

    Christian Karnutsch.
  2. L


    I've failed a lot of things. No Uni subjects, though.
  3. L

    do people actually miss school

    Not for a fucking second.
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    What is so good about being a virgin?

    Perhaps some males are so proud becuase their virginity highlights the fact that women are repulsed by or otherwise entirely disinterested in them. Which, by extension, tends to identify a male as intelligent, emotionally complex, individualistic and caring. The text-book "counter-point" to...
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    Semester 2 Timetables

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    Semester 2 Timetables

    I was replying to a comment that seems to have since been deleted.
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    Semester 2 Timetables

    That reads like PHYS2013 gives a brief mention of the things PHYS1500 goes into detail on. It would be good to have both a math-based and knowledge-based education on something like this, though, wouldn't it? If this subject is as easy as it sounds, I'm not too worried about the 30-hour week...
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    Semester 2 Timetables

    If that's true, then the University's unit descriptions are rather misleading, dontchathink?
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    Semester 2 Timetables

    Yeah, I suppose it's about as nicely worked out as I could expect that amount of classes to be. I'm just a little worried about the stresses involved with six back to back classes (that including 3-hour labs).
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    Semester 2 Timetables

    I'm more than aware of this already. Some people have motivations for learning that extend beyond money and formal recognition.
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    Semester 2 Timetables

    Oh? And what sucks so much about being in the same tute? Haha. I jest, I jest. Look for the guy with the pony tail.
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    Semester 2 Timetables

    Can anyone else smell their death?
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) Haha. Thanks! But I think I did well, where you did "very" well. I don't have a time machine, unfortunately. I might have been able to go back a few weeks and tell myself to squeeze out a single extra mark for each subject. So I might just have to ask...
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) INFO1003 72 CHEM1101 74 PHYS1001 74 MATH1001 64 MATH1002 64 FUCK
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) How do I go about that? Just E-mail them? Wouldn't want my marks to go down, haha.
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A 74.0 Credit PHYS1001 Physics 1 (Regular) 74.0 Credit You could not fathom how angry this makes me.
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) Jesus Christ, what the fuck is the hold up?
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    Fallout 3

    Quite possibly the first good thing I've heard about Fallout 3 since it was announced. That's what they get for removing groin shots, I guess - a hit right to the balls. I'm normally stringently opposed to all forms of censorship. And our classifications system *is* utterly pathetic. But I'm...
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) Does the release of Physics Fundamentals at all indicate that the release for Physics Regular is imminent? Historically?
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) CHEM 1101 Chemistry 1A 74.0 Credit SON OF A BITCH. Anyone got a time machine? I want to go tell myself to squeeze out just one more mark.