Search results

  1. Sastrawan

    Does God exist?

    Wow! But there are so many people on the Internet, and since everybody on the Internet is wrong, I've been missing a massive opportunity! I'd spend my life doing this. (Particularly during exam periods)
  2. Sastrawan

    Does God exist?

    Fair enough. You're assuming I'm religious. I'm not. I don't see how "Just a couple of thoughts, and these haven't been fully thought through yet, so feel free to criticise them any way you want." means the same thing as "I'm an expert at Platonic philosophy and relativistic logic". Of...
  3. Sastrawan

    Does God exist?

    Just a couple of thoughts, and these haven't been fully thought through yet, so feel free to criticise them any way you want. 1) Science and reason has no greater validity to describe the world than any other form of belief system. It just so happens that science is very adept at describing...
  4. Sastrawan

    Young Liberals

    High five :) Political apathy for the win. They're all crooks anyway.
  5. Sastrawan

    Young Liberals

    Hey, I liked your formulae. Didn't understand them very much, but it's always nice to see someone present a knock-down argument with Xs and = signs all over the place. Just out of interest, I've been trying to gauge by your posts, but are you right-of-centre or left-of-centre?
  6. Sastrawan

    What are you currently Reading?

    The Shark Net, by Robert Drewe. If you've read Cloudstreet (or even if you haven't) you might want to have a look at this. It's a memoir, set in approximately the same time and place as Cloudstreet (50s and 60s Perth), but with a very different style. If you get sick of Winton's colourful...
  7. Sastrawan

    'the relationship between thought and reality'

    Hey mate, you're just asking for bad luck if you say you're not gonna bother with that thought experiment question - you don't want to lose marks over something that's relatively easy to rote learn an answer to. That said, here's what my Physics teacher gave me as a sample answer for that dot...
  8. Sastrawan

    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    For a song, Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man" is awesome. It fits really nicely into the imaginative journey module, plus there's plenty of symbolism and imagery to talk about. And it's an amazing song too.
  9. Sastrawan

    Indonesian Students of 2007!

    Hey I'm not doing Indo for the HSC, but I speak it - I'm just interested in what the prescribed texts are for Continuers and Extension. Terima kasih, and good luck to all!
  10. Sastrawan

    Aeneid Translations

    Calling everyone who's doing Virgil for the 2008 HSC - does anyone know of any good English translations? My school prescribed David West's prose translation, which is compotent enough, but I reckon it's a bit flat emotionally and quite dry in places. I had a look at some old school verse...