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  1. Soma

    best way to make your money grow

    Some shit lenders will lend 100%, though they have shit rates. Most good banks will lend up to 95% for full doc applications in accepted postcodes.
  2. Soma


    Don't front! Babydoll is down with the SomaOneClique, packin' gats, mackin' cats. Two "Double Oh" Five. Nigguh yeh.
  3. Soma

    best way to make your money grow

    I would not invest in strata real estate at the moment, prices are dropping rapidly as supply vastly exceeds demand and some apartments are so shoddily built that in 10 they will continue to decrease in value (Harry Trigaboff is notorious for poor quality apartments). Truly the best way to...
  4. Soma

    writing in contemporary cultures

    spin spin speaks the truth. only do it if youre sure you want to, not cause it sounds like it could be interesting.
  5. Soma

    handsome boy modelling school

    BreaKing I will be at Good Vibes. And artfag yeh I have, I give him props for being a dope producer, a clever MC (albeit without the greatest flow) and a good businessman.
  6. Soma

    handsome boy modelling school

    You don't like him but Funcrusher Plus is one of your favourite LP's? And JeanGirl Good Vibrations is 18+ and even if it wasn't it's sold out anyway.
  7. Soma

    handsome boy modelling school

    You're a gronk sometimes. Deltron and the Prince Paul De La albums have some of the best production ever. Isn't it you that loves Sage Francis, Busdriver, El-P etc
  8. Soma

    whats yr life soundtrack?

    prodigy - voodoo people for a hot sex scene? Maybe if it was in an abandoned berlin industrial warehouse.
  9. Soma

    Actuary/Law - Late Round Offer!

    I would rather stab myself in my eyes with a rust encrusted spoon than do Actuarial Studies/Law
  10. Soma

    communications public relations

    A lot of people in the PR industry have done commerce/business and majored in marketing instead of communications anyway, so it might be worth looking into that, that also allows for much broader employment opportunities in any case.
  11. Soma

    Liberal studies - balance between arts and science?

    This course is stupid everyone I know doing it wants to drop it. Liberal Studies (Commerce) sounds pretty cool though.
  12. Soma

    Merchant banking

    I work at Macquarie parttime, albeit in the Banking and Property Group which is one of the least prestigious areas of the bank, although generating the 3rd most profit. I think commerce/law would probably be good but then again it is 5 years, if you do a commerce degree and then do 2 years of...
  13. Soma

    Need help ASAP transferring...

    Yeh well obviously the only subjects which you will get credit for will be commerce ones, so if you're sure you want to transfer to bizlaw then whats the point in doing any other nonrelated subjects?
  14. Soma

    Need help ASAP transferring...

    You'd be way better off just doing straight commerce.
  15. Soma

    enrolment day

    I heard they shoot tag-alongs on sight. WatchOut!
  16. Soma

    Real Estate as an Investment?

    Doe, almost all banks have a limit on how long you can make i/o repayments.
  17. Soma

    Real Estate as an Investment?

    You won't be able to find any places in sydney which are not negatively geared, even if you have a big deposit if you have insufficient income to service the loan you won't get one. I recommend you look into the taxes and duties involved of which there are quite a few. The housing market looks...
  18. Soma

    So whos starting Law @ UTS?

    Why are you asking if it gets any easier when it hasn't even started yet? Just relax and see how you are after the first month.
  19. Soma

    cut offs came crashing down!

    I don't disagree with you all. I'm not trying to discredit the UTS communications courses per se, I'm just saying that I personally did think that the effort required reaped a sufficient reward. I was bored out of my mind when I thought that the course would be intellectually stimulating. I'd...
  20. Soma

    So whos starting Law @ UTS?

    A dry camp? Was there any choice in the matter or were you not allowed to permit alcohol at this venue by law?