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  1. Soma

    eXeem is coming!

    As said it is ad-supported of course, otherwise they would make no money but it is supposedly very easy to use it without them.
  2. Soma

    eXeem is coming!

    You are a fucking gronk why would it be adware infested? On what basis have you formed this presumption? It's created by the Suprnova people and they have clearly stated there won't be spyware.
  3. Soma

    eXeem is coming!

    I already explained, it is a p2p bit torrent client, so you can run searches and stuff
  4. Soma

    eXeem is coming!

    When it gets released.
  5. Soma

    eXeem is coming!

    It's a p2p which uses Bit Torrent technology. The first of its kind.
  6. Soma

    eXeem is coming!

    eXeem is going to be released THIS week (from 17th to 24th January)
  7. Soma

    What's everyone's top 10 favourite albums?

    I figured as much
  8. Soma

    What's everyone's top 10 favourite albums?

    Was there some type of deletion tomfoolery occuring or are my neurons just misfiring again? P.S. Black people rock except for all the thieving ones.
  9. Soma

    Dirty Three

    35 fuck that, ill just hit up nth sydney on thursday then
  10. Soma

    Dirty Three

    i will shank both of you cunts
  11. Soma

    Dirty Three

    Everything does not revolve around Newcastle. Which of you cunts are going to tortoise, my friend wants to go so I may be there. I'll be the one in the cartier specs, nautica sweats with the fresh goretex.
  12. Soma

    Diplo - Florida

    dope album a must for all fans of blockhead/madlib/prefuse 73/rjd2/shadow/krush etc.
  13. Soma

    What's everyone's top 10 favourite albums?

    ok, fat of the land is Prodigy's worst album. Listen to 'The Experience'. And Bomfunk MC's? Comeon, shit is wack.
  14. Soma


    American and of course the Russian classics.
  15. Soma

    In Need of Some Advice...

    Mark Dynamix don't front!
  16. Soma

    Comments on my writing

    I cherish the day when kids start making sites biting my style. Start now, Nigga Whut!?!?!?!
  17. Soma

    Obsecure World Movies

    Word, its so worth it for the 6 dollars a month or whatever it is
  18. Soma

    T.I - Bring Em Out

    P.S. quit hating on me cos I'm white.
  19. Soma

    T.I - Bring Em Out

    Atmosphere is played out. For emo punk wannabe kids whose parents don't pay them enough attention. That said some of their work is nice. I also reckon Dibbs is dope and I love Ant's production for Brother Ali. But then Ant doesn't tour hey? Hey artfag, I tell you what will be good though...
  20. Soma


    When I was a kid I used to have a crush on my hot cousin. Cmon who didnt?