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  1. smallcattle

    Other Related Texts

    Do you do standard or advanced??? if you're doing standard, module 1 and 3 would need 2 related, module 2 require none
  2. smallcattle

    TAFE question

    what about when you get your UAI and misses the course, will you be able to apply for TAFE then?
  3. smallcattle

    Offers/ Enrolment?

    1st round is gone, 2nd round is on 19th of jan, enrolment day should be on late jan to early feb
  4. smallcattle

    journey related texts

    this post would be better off in the AOS forum i rekon
  5. smallcattle

    Question c, does it have to be in order??

    i dont quite get what you mean by that... can you give out some examples?
  6. smallcattle

    English ruins the HSC experience

    i find english scaling not just bad, its unbearable!! and the fact that it is compulsory just made it even worse
  7. smallcattle

    English ruins the HSC experience

    english will ruin my hsc thats for sure
  8. smallcattle

    Question c, does it have to be in order??

    this may seem stupid but in part c of AOS, do you have to follow the order of prescribed text --> stimulus booklet --> two related texts??
  9. smallcattle

    Do you start from question 1 or question 3??

    hey thanks for the tip, very useful :)
  10. smallcattle

    Maths Mark

    i got 63% for my trial and im aimming for band 6, is that too much to ask??
  11. smallcattle

    how bad will my standard english stuff me up?

    i started yesterday preparing my essays, but unlike other subjects such as physics which you can cram just b4 the exam, english skill isnt gonna improve just in days, well at least true in my case. its just like trial, which i did study and prepare my essays, but in the end i still failed them...
  12. smallcattle

    how bad will my standard english stuff me up?

    im crap at english, none of my assessments have passed, they all like just below pass how bad will it affect my uai.. heaps??? when i input 60 aligned mark into SAM, the scaled mark showed for English is only 25????? even 1 unit of my other subjects would be higher than that.. and since...
  13. smallcattle

    250MB storage for Hotmail... Finally!

    why am i still on 2MB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. smallcattle

    Do you start from question 1 or question 3??

    I normally start with question 3 cuz thats the essay i remembered back at home, so i can write non-stop but im not utilising the 5min reading time, even i read the texts, after i finish question 3, i would've forgotten wots in the text and have to read it over again
  15. smallcattle

    I cant sleep, what should I do

    you can bring any drink into the exam??? what if you are trying to hide your answers in the drink, lol
  16. smallcattle

    I cant sleep, what should I do

    my daily routine is like this day 1 cant sleep, day 2, sleep, day 3 cant sleep, day 4 sleep..... i tried to sleep, but after 3 hrs of lying on bed i just gave up and started studying its like this eversince i started revision 1 month ago i am scared that when the HSC is up, i cant...
  17. smallcattle

    Neatness Vs Math

    huh?? what named devices?? i just use a pen and a ruler perhaps
  18. smallcattle

    Reproducing Diagrams

    i think a rough sketch will do it. just make sure all the important information are included they cant expect a mathematician to be good at everything eg art can they
  19. smallcattle

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    umm i think the question asked IF the second person is a boy, then he must be a senior i interpreted the question as P(the second person is not a boy)+P(If the second person is a boy, he is a senior) but i cant get the answer there 121/273 + 700/1300 * 400/600 just isnt working..
  20. smallcattle

    what subject will get me the best result?

    drop modern if you are going to do medicine