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  1. smallcattle

    questions about plays

    what are some of the techniques in performing plays??? i cant think of any cuz i didnt go to see any btw im doing cosi..
  2. smallcattle

    questions about plays

    do you talk about the real performed of the play??? or about the scripts of the play???
  3. smallcattle

    How much should we write?

    i hate big booklets.... i become uncomfortable when writing big letters, cant write fast
  4. smallcattle

    Variety of text types?

    hehe, mine is all differnet one Play, one poem, one autobiography, one cartoon
  5. smallcattle

    Notes for Witness

    thanks for the notes :)
  6. smallcattle

    Too hot to study.....

    man.. its only 8:30 and the temp is already like 37 now.. fuck!
  7. smallcattle

    Fave Jap Songs

    Mai Kuraki Utada Hikaru the only jap singers i liked
  8. smallcattle

    Quick q

    since i cant create new threads.. i'll ask here i have difficulties connecting each text together, how should i do it??? i've read alot of example eassys, between texts, they only mention the connection in the beginning paragraph and then started talkin about another text without...
  9. smallcattle

    Anyone from Taiwan here?

    what's Shang???
  10. smallcattle

    Chinese Continuers HSC Tutoring

    I believe it stands for "the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society" :p :p or it could mean James Ruse Agricultural High School which i doubt thats what he was meant to say
  11. smallcattle

    How much should we write?

    how many pages are in one BOS booklet??
  12. smallcattle

    binomial expansion question

    Consider binomial expansion (1+x)^n 1. prove that nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + nC3 +..... + nCn = 2^n 2. prove that nC1 + nC3 + nC5 +... = 2^(n-1) 3. from (1+x)^n(1+x)^n = (1+x)^2n and comparing the coefficient of x^(n+1) prove (nC0)(nC1) + (nC1)(nC2) + (nC2)(nC3) + .... + (nC(n-1))(nCn) = 2n! /...
  13. smallcattle

    >40degrees = no hsc?

    can you bring water into the exam??? our hall doesnt have fans or ac ...
  14. smallcattle

    WHat is in limestone?

    limestone react with carbonic acid will get you calcium bicarbonate CaCO3 + H2CO3 <-----> Ca(HCO3)2 i think @_@ or am I wrong again..
  15. smallcattle

    HSC 2003 Q22 b) ii)

    hmm i think simply by changing that line wont get the algorithm fixed, i dont know how precious HSC markers want you to correct the problem. Hope they arent like my teacher who doesnt even desk check my algorithms, she just try to locate keywords and if they exist, the algorithm works...wasted...
  16. smallcattle

    HSC 2003 Q22 b) ii)

    line 4, WHILE Switched_on will get you infinite loop..unless its being defined somewhere else which i think highly unlikely prove me if im wrong, i just cant find another error that is relating to the logic of the algorithm
  17. smallcattle

    Main things from 2U

    someone at my school who topped in SDD was doing ext1 english while all the other kids were doing standard or ESL i know she can write... pages and pages of essay.. but i have to admit that she is crap at programming, her major program was like... well u know.. but she still topped!! because...
  18. smallcattle

    Too hot to study.....

    my house is pretty cool, about 28
  19. smallcattle

    Hornsby Girls HS 2001 Trial

    hey the links are dead now.. does anyone have a copy??