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  1. Andrew_Blackwel

    answers to specimen paper 2001?

    No there arn't any answers for it. But I have been through it so many times if you like ask me the questions and I'll give you the answers
  2. Andrew_Blackwel

    Help me if you can, I'm feeling un-competent!

    I see gordo that you have done 5 of your 8. Im assuming IT is your last since it is on the last day. Just a reminder which I will mark as important. I will start to look at this forum every spare moment so if you have a prob let me know.
  3. Andrew_Blackwel

    studying I.T HSC (help from past IT students)

    It is a good idea to concentrate on the extended response. It helps you learn the multiple choice and the short answer.
  4. Andrew_Blackwel

    IT Definitions

    A Filter: A program that accepts a certain type of data as input, transforms it in some manner, and then outputs the transformed data. For example, a program that sorts names is a filter because it accepts the names in unsorted order, sorts them, and then outputs the sorted names. Utilities...
  5. Andrew_Blackwel

  6. Andrew_Blackwel

    Past papers

    send me an email with your address on it and I will post one to you.
  7. Andrew_Blackwel

    studying I.T HSC (help from past IT students)

    I think you are confusing the HSC with an exam. The IT exam is an exam which test you on the core modules. It helps you to get a UAI if you wnat to go to UNI. You may find that studying the four electives that you completed may help you to do better in the exam. To qualify for the HSC. That...
  8. Andrew_Blackwel

    How I.T is contributed to the UAI

    No one really knows this answer until the results are out!
  9. Andrew_Blackwel

    studying I.T HSC (help from past IT students)

    2day is your lucky day. first thing a few websites worth looking at. also I have been posting extended response q's have a look aroung. Have a good look at all the posts and threads in this forum. They are a...
  10. Andrew_Blackwel

    Long Response q's

    A similar q's was in the trial
  11. Andrew_Blackwel


    Okay here goes. 15 Marks You have just been employed by a new IT company as the IT technician. Part of your role is to purchase equipment for use in your department to repair problems that can occur in the business. Outline the types of problems that can occur with these peices of...
  12. Andrew_Blackwel


    I really dont thing it is necessary. Post any dramas and ill work on fixing them. If you want to practice exam questions i can write some for you and then you can email me your reply and i can mark it for you based on what i think.
  13. Andrew_Blackwel

    andrews webby

    I wouldn't say that you dont need them for the HSC. I would say that some of the practical aspects of that learning could be questioned in the HSC.
  14. Andrew_Blackwel

    andrews webby

    These are only learning experiences your teacher should have asked you to do these as an assessment task.
  15. Andrew_Blackwel

    Long Response q's

    Analyse the OH&S proedures that are currently in place in a business and your recommendations for improvement in a detailed report.
  16. Andrew_Blackwel

    I.T. standards packages??

    Yes . Yes. Ask your teacher or try the library or try the deputy principal or try your next door neighbour. The try the local catholic priest cause if you cant find them start praying.
  17. Andrew_Blackwel

    Work Placement

    See what were you worried about.
  18. Andrew_Blackwel

    andrews webby

    Where did you see this. Module Guide