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  1. S

    UAC applications

    Ur student number is your number that corresponds with the preferences that you're gonna make for the courses you're gonna take at uni..every student should have one. No it's not on the letter with the pin they sent you... didn't you use your student no. during the trials? If not, check...
  2. S

    27th SEPTEMBER

    u guys chosen ur choices for the courses u wanna do yet?? closes 27TH SEPTEMBER...don't forget it!
  3. S

    uni open days

    Hey ppls, any of u goin to the uni open days? Syd Uni on Saturday? UTS on Saturday as well? UNSW the week after? Macquarie the week after that?
  4. S

    IT triaLz

    hey ppls, how'd u all go in your IT trials?? was it as you guys expected?? any same questions from past papers? as for me, since i'm doing this course via OTEN (correspondence in other words), it was totally put together by the teacher in charge over there. It sounds all confusin and...
  5. S

    past IT exam papers

    thank u very much!
  6. S

    Case Study (QANTAS)

    ppl who use bored of studies don't swap notes... they SHARE them!
  7. S

    business studies lecture day

    haha too bad we can't get photocopies for free...
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    past IT exam papers

    any one have any past IT exams?? been tryin to find them on the BOS web site and other sites as well...but so far to no avail... :(
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    trials?? what trials??? lol nah trials start 12th august...not long to go :(
  10. S

    What uni u guys want to go to?

    UTS... go uts... any1 else gonna aim to go to UTS??? wat course you ppl planning on doing??
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    usyd IPT info day

    i'll get those notes to you ppl soon as if figure out the most efficient way to copy them and send them to ppl.... =/
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    business studies lecture day

    Were the notes any good?? I'm up to employment relations...we've sort of changed the order of the basically i've done business management and change, financial planning, and global.
  13. S

    School / Subject

    lol another syd tech... i'm doing IPT maths 2u standard eng business studies IT (VET)
  14. S

    business studies lecture day

    Did anyone go to the business studies lecture day @ usyd???
  15. S

    usyd IPT info day

    i went to wasn't that bad... gave out a BIG bundle of notes...for all the topics covered in IPT... if anyone would like a copy just let me know...
  16. S

    [ m u s i c]

    seeing as this will be the first one... wat music do u ppl listen to? i find it helps to listen to music at the same time that i study...though u gotta be careful as not to get carried away listening to your fav song or whateva instead of studying!