Search results

  1. S

    how much does it cost to board in wollongong?

    depends on where u wanna stay at..... private accommodation might cost u less.. but check on the uow website.
  2. S

    Law @ UOW

    it should be around the same...
  3. S

    Guy's new video clip

    u can download it off kazaa... ah the joys of file-sharing.....
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    school of rock

    anyone gonna watch this?
  5. S

    Commerce Marketing Major

    marketing is good.. :D
  6. S

    so...who is going?

    still deciding.... eh tix go on sale tmr... i'll decide later.
  7. S

    Ambition HAS ARRIVED!

    yay its been organised :D
  8. S

    uow accommodation

    usually people go to homestay just as a startin point for livin away.... and its usually the internationals that stay with homestay... some people find it good.. others find it unsuitable cos some homestay parents seem strict to them... so they move out... and find somewhere else to stay.
  9. S

    uow accommodation

    people go to homestay... then leave shortly after...
  10. S

    put ur hands up.......

    lol yepp.... social life rocks! :D
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    check out this thread.... i'm sure it'll give ya some answers
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    yupp... that's true for sure. i finished my hsc last yr on the third day of the 2nd week..... pretty much after that laughed at those who were still doing it =P and went out and did other stuffs.
  13. S

    uow accommodation

    i'm living off campus.... only thing that's different from living off campus is that i gotta cook dinner... but thats not often since i'm usually out for dinner or something like that. and u gotta clean urself... but ey that's what living away from home is all about
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    its possible... and yeh u gotta get credit average... but just make sure u check with the faculty that u wanna get into... cos it might change next year.
  15. S

    I'm going to University of Wollongong...

    Re: Re: I'm going to University of Wollongong... LOL it happens.... its happened to me plenty of times so it'll b something for u guys to look forward to!
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    Query About UOW

    it will prob b more than $3... cos from hurstville to wollongong is $4... and the bus to uni costs 60c.
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    Playing the piano

    haha all this about trinity is new to me.... onli was told about it.... went 2 my old piano teacher just for a visit... since my sis still learns from her.. and she told me about it. to become an examiner u gotta finish all those other certificates... whatever they are... Lmus or associate or...
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    Playing the piano

    apparently there's exams for duets.... not run by the ameb.. but trinity college or something like that... not that i've been in it before.. but it would b interesting...
  19. S

    Who got in?

    congrats mikey! =) now all u gotta do... study hard and get that uai!
  20. S

    put ur hands up.......

    if you put uow as one of your choices!!! :D