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  1. Riewe

    Burn a flag :)

    Burning the flag should be allowed ... this way we can find out who the scumbags really are and send them off in a nuclear sub and blow them up somewhere in middle of the pacific.
  2. Riewe

    Nintendo DS or PSP??

    I am absolutely loving my DS (haven't touched the cube or ps2 since i got it, except for some God of War). Great games like MK, AC, AW, and the japanese games Ouendan and Band Brothers, have taken up nearly all my holiday break. Ouendan is simply one of the greatest games ever, no matter how...
  3. Riewe

    Why religion is bullshit IMO

    While i was raised as a cathloic (non-practicing though), i have since come to the conclusion that there is some sort of supernatural spirituality going on (somewhat of the intelligent design line of thought), but all this organised religion is just crap. While i can understand people feeling...
  4. Riewe

    The Bored of Studies 2006 NRL Tipping Competition

    i'm in too. hopefully it will be a good year for me.
  5. Riewe

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Unfortunately, while they could probably boycott products successfully, us western countries couldn't really boycott them, because besides oil, there is ... well, nothing i can think of. Except sand, but i can get that anywhere.
  6. Riewe

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper I look at this issue in two ways. On one hand, i can only sit back and laugh that the muslims are getting their knickers in a twist about this whole thing. I just hope the bomb blows up while they are making it so it can rid the world of their stupidity...
  7. Riewe

    Bush spying on Americans

    If i'm not planning to blow up cities or assassinate someone, then i have nothing to worry about. And it doesn't seem like they picked random people to spy on, only those they thought might be a threat. Hence nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
  8. Riewe

    Bush spying on Americans

    I understand why Bush did that. It was immediately after 9/11 where the admistration and other agencies were reeling from the attacks and wanted as much info as quickly as possible. Having to go to court for warrants would've taken time, and maybe the time wasted could've meant they missed out...
  9. Riewe


    No longer being at a catholic school makes the season just a bit less religious for me, although i am brought back into the meaning of christmas everytime i go to work because of those religious christmas carols that they play over and over and over again.
  10. Riewe

    The ABC and the bloody cricket

    This just means that we cricket-loving people have the chance to follow every ball of the match. At home (or access to a TV), watch it on 9, out and about, turn on the radio and tune into ABC. Summer just isn't summer without cricket
  11. Riewe

    Save NCAP- a Spirituality and Theology Forum

    That would be a good idea, as people lke you won't be whingeing that these religious views are posted on a so-called "secularist' forum. This would leave those topics on the specalist board only for those interested in acutally discussing the topic rather than people like you who see it as a...
  12. Riewe

    The Muslim mind is on fire

    But nonetheless, the writer of that article makes some very valid points
  13. Riewe

    Insane 'wrongful life' case.

    What i don't get is that if they didn't want to be born, then why would they want to sue? Wouldn't they rather be 'put down' so to say? As they said "This is because the only way of avoiding the disabilities was to avoid life altogether" so it is either one or the other. They are aborted or...
  14. Riewe

    Al Qaeda calls Queen 'enemy of Islam'

    And the terrorists wonder why we think they are complete idiots
  15. Riewe

    The official IR reform thread!

    This thing about sick leave we are hearing now is one of the reasons why i don't support the unions in this. they are making such a big thing about employers now having the right to ask for a doctor's certificate when they have a sickie, but awards now, union bargained awards mind you, state...
  16. Riewe

    Scavenger Hunts - Fun for all!

    Really, those items are really stupid (and illegal re: child pornography) While i'm not a pc person, that list is just plain wrong and those who thought of it should be shot just because they obviously think things like this are funny when they are just being idiotic. Kidnapping Glenn Ridge...
  17. Riewe

    40 year old virgin

    One of the funniest movies i have ever seen. Although it was predictable what was going to happen (every romantic comedy ends like that) the journey was unlike anything else i have experienced. Although it could've gone down the road of Deuce Bigalow with stupid one-time jokes coming...
  18. Riewe

    Bitchin' in the Kitchen - Parliamentary IR debate

    That's why Parliament is one of my favourite shows on TV (and the best reality show as well) All that bitching and carrying on (from both sides but particularly from Labor) just has that edge which makes for enjoyable viewing. Seeing that the Speaker of the House is part of the Liberals, its...
  19. Riewe

    ABC: Young Singers Spread Racist Hate

    Anti-mathmite, you have said some pretty crazy stuff before, but this has got to take the cake. Just who exactly are the invaders? Blacks? Hispanics? Whites? Europeans? There is no such thing as an invasion like you envisage it to be, as their 'homeland', as you like to say, is not...
  20. Riewe

    ABC: Young Singers Spread Racist Hate

    I saw this on the news the other night. I sort of felt a bit sorry for them because it is obviously their upbringing that has given them these views, but then again, they may be lost so this is how they are going to think for the rest of their lives. Kinda a shame really.