using this picture i will explain a very good message it holds.
i present to you two people.
Person one:
When he was a teeganger, he helped out at the old folks home.
He then later joined two charities and donated a good amount of his money to the needy.
He then got married and had four children who he loved and supported with everything they needed.
In his older years, he volunteered to helped to feed the homeless.
all through his life he never killed, raped anyone and enjoyed all aspects of life.
however when growing up he rejected christianity and any other religion.
Person two:
This is the guy in the picture above on the right. The one who raped and killed someone, but then accepted jesus.
As the bible sais, the only way that someone cannot get into heaven is if they denounce christ, for everything else, if yuo accept christ and beg for forgiveness then you can freely get into heaven.
Is religion just a pile of bullshit?