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  1. Riewe

    Post your exam thoughts and timetable here!

    Maths for physical science on thursday night followed up with physical chem on friday morning. I don't know how much more f'd you can get (by the time i get home, i'll be asleep, then i've got to wake up in the wee hours of the morning). That is the only problem i am facing, with the other 2...
  2. Riewe

    What do you consider as being important?

    I deem having a stable lifestyle is important for me. Whether that be stable income, stable home, job, education, entertainment etc, as that is what i like. And being slaves to the media, EVERYONE is a slave to the media, in that everyone gets their info from the media in one form or...
  3. Riewe

    The BB Controversey

    He used the Force
  4. Riewe

    The BB Controversey

    I was hoping BB would just burn and burn this year (as in put in a bonfire and burn to death), as it adds absolutely nothing to TV. I have a remote and do use it, but even hearing people talk about like its the shiznit is just bloody ridiculous, so while i don't watch it, i still have to...
  5. Riewe

    Free Russell Campaign

    Linky Now that we have another Australian (i know that he's really a kiwi, but most people couldn't care less and see him as an Aussie) in a foreign court, i say we should continue the campaign infrastructure from the Corby case to work up a storm to free Russell Crowe from this predicament...
  6. Riewe

    Right to leave?

    That person was right in that many immigrants now seem to not integrate into society as well as they did in the past, meaning that we now have shops with no english in them, and many people don't seem able to speak english. But that Christian stuff was very debatable, as Generator has shown...
  7. Riewe

    A future for nuclear power In NSW/Australia?

    It seems that nuclear power if the most obvious replacement for coal, mainly in the aspect of power output. All those wind farms, tidal plants and other renewable stuff just can't produce the power output that a large city requires (unless you build them on an absolutely massive scale) But...
  8. Riewe

    Computers - windows

    Macs would be alright if they had to buttons on the mouse and easier navigation to find programs. At least with pc's you have double click mouse, with scrolling button, and all programs are in the start menu. What more do you want?
  9. Riewe

    SMH Opinion: No time to learn for learning's sake when a degree is at stake

    Our SPM teacher (scanned probe that is) went on recently on how easy we have it nowadays, especially in physics based courses. We now don't do anything near as impossibly hard as they went through and the help to get through wasn't there either. So of course, there was a high failure rate...
  10. Riewe

    Students opinions on weed

    Alcohol at least gives you something you need (fluids) whereas smoking only gives you a high. So alcohol is a too for one special, because at the same time, you are providing your body with what it needs and you also get a good sensation from it.
  11. Riewe

    wat is a song nearly everyone loves

    Most stuff by Buddy Holly is solid gold. Solid gold i tell ya. I like almost everything said already, expect for many of the modern songs, as music was much better 'back in the day'. But don't forget about: poison - Alice Cooper Khe Sanh - Cold Chisel. Heck, anything by Cold Chisel is...
  12. Riewe

    Catchy songs

    Mine at the moment are Ob La Di Ob La Da - Beatles Do you know the way to San Jose - Dionne Warwick Why Do you love me - Garbage Everyday - Buddy Holly I don't know why but everytime i finally forget one of those songs the others just pop straight in there, and it's a never-ending cycle.
  13. Riewe


    I guess that those Asians with dual passports/ nationality etc. aren't really seen as 'australian' by the general public, unless they do something good. But when they get caught, they aren't australian and should be sent back if they ever come back to australia. That is somewhat of the general...
  14. Riewe

    The official IR reform thread!

    I guess that most small businesses have quite a bit of trouble staying afloat (and this is debatable is Howard got them into that position, but i degress), and having incompetent staff does not help them at all. At least this way, they can get the most out of their employees and thus overall...
  15. Riewe

    Would you boycott bali?

    What about innocent until proven guilty? And there is one key fact that is missing, and that is the weight of the bag before and after. This would definitely sway me one way or the other, but as it is, i'm sticking with innocent until guilty.
  16. Riewe

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    I guess it should've been more emotional to me, but i was sitting there thinking 'the Jedis are getting what they deserved' With their powers, they knew that something was fishy with Palpatine, and they should've sensed that Anakin was becoming darker, so pairing these two up was pretty much a...
  17. Riewe

    Today Tonight : Farmer Vs aboriginal Community Queensland ( rope around neck incident

    That's right, down listen to Laws. Tune into Hadley
  18. Riewe

    Daily Telegraph, Friday May 13

    I don't really think that is the case, as nearly everyday you hear about how the Carr government is ruining the state, whether it be rail or hospitals or water storage. But then again, many of these do seem justified.
  19. Riewe

    ITT list policies of 'your' party that you disagree with

    Also another thing is their stance on regional security, with seemingly a policy of 'pre-emptive' strikes on the agenda. This stance seems to have had a negative effect on our relations with our regional partners, and for the interests of international relations, they might want to change their...
  20. Riewe

    hay ho vsu has got to go??

    But its the PRINCIPLE. I don't want any hippy organistation taking my hard earned money spending it in ways which is totally opposite to my stance.