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  1. lucyinthehole

    F*ck You All I Didnt See A Question!!!

    and hey, whoever it was that was bitching about the mark, if you go to selective school, you can just hope that everyone else gets like 90, and you all get scaled up. that's what i'm relying on: the work of my fellow classmates ;)
  2. lucyinthehole

    Multiple Choice Answers

    yeah i got 10 :( bah.... isomers/allatropes.... who knows what they are? anyone with 5 braincells, that's who!!! how could i forget??
  3. lucyinthehole

    F*ck You All I Didnt See A Question!!!

  4. lucyinthehole

    Option 2 - Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservations

    sounds good to me. mostly cos i said something like that too, and i like being reassured
  5. lucyinthehole

    Hands up who's cramming

    it's a talent i hope to fall back on often in uni.
  6. lucyinthehole

    Crammer's Poll

    mod history for me :cool: i'm on like 95 now, and that's only cos of an oral i completly fucked up. stupid speech which was worth more than anything else........ :vcross:
  7. lucyinthehole

    Option 2 - Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservations

    what do you mean? the one on the beach WAS more corroded
  8. lucyinthehole


    yeah, i took agea answering that 7 marker. just sat there, kinda staring ahead, taking my time. wrote like 2.5 pages of absolute rhetoric crap... with some mention of metals...
  9. lucyinthehole

    testing for phosphate ion

    yeah... white ppt for all of them... wooh! *shifty*
  10. lucyinthehole

    Post ur thoughts on the xam here if ya dont wanna be on the 3rd page of the other

    ahhhh, stop it with the avatar and the sig!!!
  11. lucyinthehole

    copper concentration

    i got some answer in the most roundabout, non scientific way. just kinda followed my crazy logic, like "if this is this, then this is that". i think i got something close to the answers here so.... *fingers crossed* and i only came back to that in the last 5 minutes. couldn't figure it out...
  12. lucyinthehole

    Ethanol fuel Q

    uh.. i think i said that because it has a higher boiling point, it requires a higher energy input (as a disadvatage)... would this be in any way correct? also, do you think we had to refer to all the 3 columns in the graph, or just any reference would count as a "tick"?
  13. lucyinthehole

    Raw Vs Aligned

    me too! i for some reason decided that the standard solution is the one you find out throuh titration. so i described titration as the procedure. i guess i'll get one mark for saying "dissolve a wieghed amount of crystals" WHICH WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE QUESTION, but in more detail. i don't...
  14. lucyinthehole

    Q27 - who liked it

    love your sig pic :D
  15. lucyinthehole

    question thirteen

    i figured out afterwards that my calculator fucked me over. did like (a x b) x 10^3 as opposed to a x (b x 10^13) as it was meant to be..... stupid order of operation....
  16. lucyinthehole

    General view

    yeah, i feel kinda the same
  17. lucyinthehole

    Estimated mark?

    hoping 80's. realistically, i might even be in the 70's. but i'm hoping not.
  18. lucyinthehole

    acetic and citric

    did you talk about them separate;y? cos i kinda said "citirc and acetic are both used for preservation and taste" and expanded. so i combined them.
  19. lucyinthehole

    The big ugly AAS reliability/validity question

    i put something like AAS = appropriate technique reliability good for 1,2,3 and 5 (within 2 ppm variation wan't it?) 4 should've been discarded since it wasn't, validity kinda scrwed up
  20. lucyinthehole

    Question 12

    damn... i think i guessed c, but then ended up putting b. god, i can't even guess right! :rolleyes: