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  1. lucyinthehole

    Was the stuff that you studied relevant to the exam questions?

    i forgot the equations that go with that! so i made them up :(
  2. lucyinthehole

    Teachers Prediction

    i guess someone was right :p
  3. lucyinthehole

    Was the stuff that you studied relevant to the exam questions?

    yeah, i noticed that they seemed to cover less than i expected because they had a lot of fairly large mark questions.
  4. lucyinthehole

    How did you go?

    hah, yeah, i'm so completely relying on this being scaled :p
  5. lucyinthehole

    Was the stuff that you studied relevant to the exam questions?

    i was only completely thrown off by like 1 or 2 wuestions. everything else i had some idea about. i wrote a lot anyway, but that isn't saying much....
  6. lucyinthehole

    Crammer's Poll

    went to bed at 5. the exam seemed ok. really could've been better, but chem was never my best best subject anyway
  7. lucyinthehole

    How did you go?

    i'd be happy with 80's. but i dunno... i really can't tell i go in exams o_O
  8. lucyinthehole

    Hands up who's cramming

    slept from 5-7. stupid birds.... already chirping when i was trying to go to sleep. oh well, considering i only saw some material from the second half of my option for the first time at 4 am, i think i went ok
  9. lucyinthehole

    Hands up who's cramming

    still here
  10. lucyinthehole

    Hands up who's cramming

    wow. last one here. i am the true queen of crammers. give me an award :(
  11. lucyinthehole

    heat of combustion of ethanol

    is it greater or less than that of a normal fuel, say octane?
  12. lucyinthehole

    Hsc Question

    and how does this relate to redox reactions?
  13. lucyinthehole

    Teachers Prediction

    hmm.... we had this in one of our assessments *goes to dig out the paper and see what the perfect answer would be*
  14. lucyinthehole

    Hsc Question

    phew... cos oxidation states are those things you use to figure out whether a reaction is a redox one or not... i've never understood HOW exactly you use them to do that, but i know that you do.... something about change in numbers..... any help anyone?
  15. lucyinthehole

    Hsc Question

    by oxidation state, do you mean reduction potential??
  16. lucyinthehole

    Good Luck

    goodnight. wish i could do the same, but many miles to go before i sleep as they say. good luck to you too, although you probably need it less than me :p
  17. lucyinthehole

    9.2.4.B3 - different cells plz help!!

    general overview (i compared fuel and dry cells) dry cell = cheapest, easy to store, good for daily use BUT = non-rechargeable, getting outdated, not a lot of energy produced impact = first commercial batter, portable source of energy, freed ppl up. envirnomentally pretty nasty - components...
  18. lucyinthehole

    9.2.4.B3 - different cells plz help!!

    hah, thanks, and it's ok. now if only i could somehow have a moment of enlightment....
  19. lucyinthehole

    Marks deducted for no state in equation??

    probably. i think in our school exams we've had half marks deducted. usually you know from the context of the equation. cos for most equations you'd be using, you'd know what they represent... well, in a perfect world....
  20. lucyinthehole

    Freaking out

    *is planning to combine all of the above* :D man, coming down off that would be crazy. just be walking along the street, then suddenly, BOOM, you're asleep