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  1. K


    You have to get a proxy to do it for you, and it's better that you enrol at 2nd of Feb otherwise you'll miss out the offer and forced to take a "gap year" if you didn't get late round offer. You can accept late round offer and withdraw enrolment just by not picking any units before the outcome...
  2. K

    Which subjects to take?

    All of them are compulsory and you need to get credit or above in each of them otherwise you will have to repeat(not just GPA of 3 , 3HD/1P still means repeat in that P subject, better to have 4CR). There is little room to wiggle for elective (But if you can fill in maximum 4 subects a semester...
  3. K

    Actuarial Studies, but shaky at math

    Yes.. I heard it's get less mathematical so it's easier.. only approx. 40% get through whole 4-year course without fail (PASS REPEAT and below) in anything, Many of them have gone into 5th and 6th years. So obviously it's not quite through.. But luckily.. only about half of the percentage made...
  4. K

    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: New-look website Yes that's right, they have grabbed a deputy vice chancellor from USYD.....and she tries to convert the uni to the one similar to USYD. The department structure has changed as well to the one similar to USYD.e.g. statistic department will be removed from EFS to faculty of...
  5. K

    Actuarial Studies, but shaky at math

    ACST101 should be called FINS101 instead, and ACST201 should be called we don't get too confused. In UNSW ACST101 is a finance unit (the textbook is exactly the same) It doesn't require any extension maths, being sufficient in 2 units maths is enough, since it's basically on the...
  6. K

    Scholarship Bonus Points

    What the ?! It is so much better than last year, the second thing DID NOT exist before (even last year). That means a person with 95+ UAI could get into law or optometry provided that he/she is the dux of a public school. So this means public school duxs should choose UNSW as their first...
  7. K

    Summer school 2009

    ah... but summer school doesn't help actuaries though since only ECON subjects are being offered..!!!
  8. K

    Asians at Macquarie?

    I'll try to take a few cups of drinks there... The number of asians ranges from 90%+ in EFS to about 35% in Sciences and less than 10% in arts. I felt like studying in Asian country in actuarial..haha
  9. K

    Summer school 2009

    By the way, summer school is rip-off for locals, bargain for internationals, that's why lots of international students are doing them and we as locals don't touch it much. Whoa 34.5/35!!! I only got 30/35 for other assessments. However, the exam should be easy as i got 90%+ in the exam paper...
  10. K

    Undergraduate Enrolment Sem 1 2009

    For some weirdo reason, Macquarie is different from other unis. You must enrol on site, you can't just do it on the website. But you can ask a proxy to do that for you as long as they have your ID. And also note for O-week, class is running along with the O-week and it only goes for 3 days...
  11. K


    Why would you do MATH237? are you doing a computing degree or what?? MATH237 involves some stuffs (like difference equations ) in ACST211, they are both discrete anyways.
  12. K

    Anyone keen for Macquarie?

    For railway Momentum :: Railway I hope they build a tunnel from the station to somewhere around the library...It would make life much easier.
  13. K

    Clerical Recheck- Chance of Worse Mark??

    Poor you, you just missed out premiers by 1 marks/unit!!! I know a lots of people are like this with 89 in chemistry/English.. That's why it's better to do 12 units and have some of them done in yr11 like me haha... But I do not think the probability of increased mark is high, since I've talked...
  14. K

    DUX of school: did not do ESL?

    Only dux of class of 04' did ESL in my school, rest did advanced English (including me) so it shouldn't be rare, in fact ESL dux should be the rare ones.
  15. K

    Derivatives of inverse trig functions

    It's 3U stuffs sin y=x dx/dy=cos x dy/dx=1/cos x =1/sqrt(1-x^2) d/dx sin-1(1-x) =-1/sqrt[1-(1-x)^2] *use chain rule.
  16. K

    How do u get a high band 6 in extension maths?

    Basically finish whole paper with adequate decent understanding will get you 95+ in ext 2 so you'll need to finish Q1-4 in 1 hour and Q5-8 in 2 hours (which is not pretty hard).
  17. K

    STAT171 First year pass

    I think the stupid accounting in 2nd semester is much more harder than 211 and everything in 1st semester, STAT171 was easy as you are allowed to have you "own notes" in the exam (even get rid the burden of remembering formulas)I think most people failed STAT171 is probably they didn't write the...
  18. K

    Commerce UAI

    They added bonus uai to these eligible candidates and then select altogether...Go to their HSCPlus page and you'll know
  19. K

    Comp labs

    I think it's reasonably safe..and i don't think you need to worry about that because i use my credit card over there sometime b4 to buy textbooks. and apparently i havn't get any problem with it
  20. K

    Trig Limits Question

    l'Hopital rule isn't taught in 4U though but it's a fairly easy concept (It's in my assignment) Lim f(x)/g(x) = x->0 Lim f'(x)/g'(x) when x->0 Lim x->0 f(x) and lim x->0 g(x) is either 0 or infinity. This works because the slope indicates the rate of...